1. Something About Her

Start from the beginning

A light blush appeared on her cheeks, but it wasn't red like her nose from the cold air, outside.

"Um, what are you getting?" I asked, trying to start up another conversation with this cute girl.

"I'm just getting hot coffee, with a shot of expresso, whipped cream and caramel. You?" She asked.

"Uh, can I get what you're having?" I asked.

She giggled and nodded, "Of course, I don't know why you're asking me."

I chuckled at myself, because I'm being such an idiot right now. But, we had a few more conversations like about bands, and concerts, and actually meeting them.

Finally we got to the front of the line and I had no clue what to order.

"Hey, Lindsay, can I have my usual and one for him, please?" She asked, with a small smile.

Lindsay nodded and totalled up the money, "That'll be 11.37."

I quickly pulled out my wallet and gave her a ten and a five, "Keep the change."

The girl I'm standing looked really worried, "I-I can pay for it, its okay."

"Alright, and we will have it out in about 5 minutes. I can help the next customer."

We nodded and I began walking to my table before I noticed she was slowing her footsteps.

"Can I... sit with you?" She asked sheepishly.

I smiled and nodded, pulling out a chair for her, I couldn'thelp but stare at her ass as she sat down. I shook my head and sat down across from her.

"I, uh... I never caught your name," I said, trying to be casual.

"Tori," she responded with a smile, "You?"

"Victor, but you can call me Vic," I said smiling.

We continued to talk and I found out she was from Tijuana, Mexico, and really liked turtles. It was cute how she kept smiling and curling her hair at random times.

Soon enough, our coffee was given to us and we thanked the man. I slowly took a sip of the coffee and it was amazing.

"This is great, and you get it every time?"

She giggled and nodded as she sipped her coffee, I was truly trying my hardest not to stare at her lips. They're so perfect and I could kiss them if I wanted to.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

She must've noticed me staring at me because I haven't said anything for a while, I guess.

"Of course, love," I said without thinking.

Her cheeks lit up to a bright red,and she giggled shyly to go along with her cuteness. I felt my own cheeks burn because of the nickname I just gave her. I was truly embarrassed for my own non thinking, I was so stupid.

"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered out.

She shook her head and sipped her coffee, "Its okay, h-honestly."

I felt my lips form into a smile, her stutter was so adorable. I just wanted to give her a hug and kiss her little, cold, red nose.

I felt my cheeks get warmer and with my luck she just so happen to notice.

"You're blushing," She said with a small smile.

I slowly nodded, "I-I'm trying not to."

She giggled and set down her empty cup, and she wrapped her scarf around her neck. She stood up with a smile, and she wrote her number on a napkin.

"I have to go, sadly. I really did have a great time, though." She leaned over and pecked my nose.

As she walked away I stood up and followed her. I handed her my jacket with a smile, "Take it. You need it more than me."

"No, its okay. I don't need it that ba-"

"No... please, take it."

She slowly took my jacket and slipped it on, "Thank you."

"Will I see you again?" I asked, getting lost in her big brown eyes.
"Tomorrow. Seven o'clock. Same spot." She responded, but more like commanded.

She winked and turned on her heels, walking out of the small coffe shop and across the street.

I smiled to myself and turned to go back to my seat when I heard the older woman who was reading '50 Shades of Grey'.

"Young love," she chuckled.

I felt my heart skip at that word, love. I don't know honestly, it's just something about her.

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