1. Something About Her

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I stepped into the warm, and comfy coffee shop to get out of the cold, bitter air. It was small, and only a few people were seated but the line was large. I sighed and saw that my seat was taken. I love sitting in the corner but by the window, so I'm not alone- I'll have a view to keep me company.

I sighed and decided to sit at the table across from an elderly woman, reading "50 Shades of Grey" as she sipped her coffee. I hated that book, especially the movie, I felt awkward just staring at the cover.

I shook my head and walked in line. The line was interesting, I am the person who likes to "people watch". I leaned over slightly to see if the line was going to move or stay.

I sighed and looked up at the menu to try and decide what I'm gonna get. I tried to stand on my toes to see the menu, but there was a girl in front of me, and in front of her was a really tall building- I mean guy.

I sighed and tried again. I grumbled, cursing my height.

Why can't he just lay on the floor, or something? I mean, I just wish that he would go for basketball and not coffee.

I noticed the girl in front of me was trying to see, too, but she was trying to see the line not the menu. Maybe she knows what's good to get here.

I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed it, I'm not good with talking to girls. Its stupid to say because I am a man and I still can't talk to girls.

I've even tried guys. The truth is I have no idea what I'm into today. I like girls, but I'm also slightly attracted to guys, but I don't think I'd date a guy.

I turned my attention back to line to see it moved up one person. I stepped up, and tripping slightly on my own foot like the idiot I am. I bumped into the girl, trying not to bring the line down like dominos. She stumbled slightly but caught thankfully we didn't fall.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that," I said after we regained our balance.

She let out a giggled and turned her head towards me, "Don't worry, but, hey you know they say."

I shook my head at the rhetorical statement but mentally slapped myself.

"We go together or we don't go down at all." She said smiling, she was a very quiet girl and I actually liked that.

"You're an All Time Low fan?" I asked, a smile forming on my lips.

She did seem like the punk, or metal type actually. She had thick, dark eyeliner, light pink lipstick, along with snake bites. Her clothes screamed punk with her shredded Slipknot shirt, and a black and white striped long sleeve underneath it, she had a white- once again, shredded but this time not as bad- tutu. She had skull leggings and to finish it off a black pair of Vans.

I couldn't get over her hair though. It was long, even in pigtails and it was thick, the light coffee brown blended perfectly with the dark cinnamon brown underneath it. It moved perfectly when she nodded to my question, by I forgot what it was.

"I've been to a few of their concerts before. You?" She said, smiling.

Her teeth weren't straight and some of them were pointed, kinda like fangs.

"Uh, I actually been to one and they were touring with Sleeping with Sirens. Do you know wh-"

"Oh my god, I love Sleeping with Sirens. I want to see them so badly and... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off." She looked scared, slightly.

I shook my head and chuckled, "Don't worry, it was cute."

I instantly regretted say that. I just said that. God, I'm an idiot, but the real me wouldn't say that. But then again, the real me can't talk to girls, but the real me is talking to this one.

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