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Johns pov.I watch as the terminator punch open the window making glass splatter all over the ground while the young alternate version of my mother approached with her terminator she calls Pops.the terminator than climbed in unlocking the doors for me and sarah as well as Pops who were sitting in the back.As I got into the car I opened the sun block flap and caught a pair of keys as the terminator started the engine shaking them in front of him smirking.Are we learing yet I say with a smile closing my door while the terminator just closed the flap back up before driving up to my mother who was quickly putting her jacket on.We have as far away from the city as possible the terminator said making  my mom nod and open the back door before sitting beside her younger self who was leaning her head on Pops shoulder.I held on tight as the terminator went by a rv while my mom hit him on the back not fazzing him one bit.Keep it under 65 we don't want to be pulled over my mother said while the terminator glanced at her before turning back to the road.Affirmitive  he said making me roll my eyes and look at him.No you got listen the way people talk you don't say affirmitve  or some shit like that you say no problamo I said while mom was looking out the window not wanting to look at Pops.And if someone comes up to you with an attuide you say eat me and if you want to shine them on its 'Hasta la vista baby'i said the terminator reapeting what I said while younger sarah rolled her eyes.yeah or later dickward and if someone gets upset you say chill out or you can do combinations I said while running my fingers into my hair as the terminator turned to look at me.Chill out dickward he said turning back to face the road while I smiled and lighty hit him on his arm.Thats great see your getting it I said while Pops openend the back window for Sarah who sat in his lap smiling as the wind touched her face.No problamo the terminator repilied before pulling into a gas station.You got any cash my mom asked leaning over my seat while I pulled out some money.I got a couple hundred bucks i'll give you half i say and smirk before,she took the stash away from me making me glare at her.Mom I yell as Sarah and Pops just smirked watching the scene before she haned me back my money .Get some food she said climbing out while Sarah and Pops moved out of her way.She has no sense of humor I say ,before we all climbed out of the car .And that's another thing I say approaching the terminator Sarah and Pops following.You can light up a bit yourself this rever ruitene is getting old ok I mean your acting like such a geek smile once in a while I say walking up to the food court while the terminator looked down at me confusion on his face.Smile he asked cocking his head to the side while I looked down at the cash seeing if I had enough for food.Ya you know smile watch this I say approaching an elderly woman in the window.hi  nice place you got here hows business I ask as the woman just glared at me.give me a break she growled as I heard Sarah giggle making me turn around to face her.And you think you could do better I asked making the smile fade away from his lips quickly before looking back at the terminator .Ok bad example I say before spotting a man laughing and smiling talking on the phone.See that guy over there is a said ponting to him 'That's a smile is said while he turned looking at the man for a minute before looking at me.i cringed as I saw him smile it was the worst smile I had ever saw even Sarah and Pops cringed .That's good I say gently hitting him on his arm as he contuined to smile'Maybe you could practice in front of a mirror or something I said before following Sarah and Pops to the food court

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