"No, not yet. I know a group in the Bronx we rode with a few months ago seen them roaming around their turf but, the weird thing was that only one of their group members got nabbed."

"Why only one when those things were so hell-bent on going after you guys?" Sam asks from his position on the ground. He managed to pause his game for two seconds to speak; what a miracle!

"They were hit with something that made them sick, then those Spiders would only target them like some kind of homing beacon." She replies, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms.

"Was Ari hit with one of those things?" Ava asks.

"She was hit with something, that it certain . . . but she said she was okay." Danny verifies quietly. Sasha made a small sound as she padded over to him, taking his hand in her tiny one.

"Ari is okay— I know it! So please don't be sad . . . if we give up, how will we ever find her?"

Danny blinked a little before a warm smile spreads across his face and he nods. "Yes, you're right. Negative thinking won't bring about any positive ones. Thank you, Sasha."

The blue eyed girl beams, hopping over back to Joshua's side who smiles lightly as he pats her head.

"Good job, Sis." He murmurs.

I suddenly feel a bit more energized after her little speech, and I think the others were too. The air felt a little lighter now.

"I know today's our day off and everything . . ." Luke said, adjusting his arm that was still wrapped in a cast. "But who's up for some recon around town?"

"I'm game! I was getting sleepy sitting around here anyway." Sam said standing up and stretching his arms.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I say grabbing my keys as the others followed behind me.

Don't worry, Ari; we're on our way!

                                                                             ??? Point Of View

I wake up with a pounding headache, my vision coming back to me in snips and tidbits of white and black. I'm laying down on a firm surface, not a floor, but too hard to be a bed.

"I think she's coming to . . ." I hear a voice say, but they sound muffled and far away.

"Don't stand too close to her, she looks like she's about to barf." Another much deeper voice says.

I push myself up into a sitting position, placing a cool hand on my forehead as I adjust to my surroundings. The first thing I see is a barred window, covered by some kind of glass that was covered in hexagonal patterns. Then a ceiling with bright florescent lighting and white-washed walls.

I let out a tiny groan as nausea hit me like a tidal wave and I place a hand over my mouth to keep from vomiting all over myself and am thankful when a pale hand pushes an empty bucket over to me. I empty out whatever was left in my stomach into it, the acrid smell making me feel even worse as I wipe my mouth after I finish.

The same hand that handed me the bucket passes a half filled water bottle to me and I look up into the warm brown eyes of a girl that seemed to be around nineteen. "Here . . . it'll make you feel better."

I try to speak as I take it, to thank her, but all that came out was a strangled cough that makes me down in. I didn't even care what was in it, for all I know it could have been laced with something but I was too disoriented to care. "T-thank you . . ." I say, my voice rough.

"We have to look out for each other here so it's no problem at all." She says with a slight accent. British, maybe? "Do you remember anything? Anything at all?"

I try to think back to how I got here, but nothing seemed to come to mind and every time I do a sharp pain in the back of my mind made me not want to. "No . . . god I feel like shit . . ." I curse, hearing a small gasp. A little boy covers his ears, his shaggy brown hair trickling into his pale green eyes. "S-Sorry . . ."

"Its fine, he's just a little sensitive. I'm Simone by the way. The little boy over there is Tracey and over here we have Connor. The boy up there in the top bunk is Ax. His real name is Alexsey but he hates being called it," she whispers over to me. "So what's your name?"

"Um . . ." I rub my forehead, thinking hard through the fogginess as the letters came to me.


"Ari. That's my name . . . I think."

"Well it's nice to meet you, Ari. Welcome to IVY."

Authors Notes:

I think out of all the chapters I've written for this series, I believe this one is the shortest! A couple of months have passed by between the last chapter and this one, the aforementioned episodes were stated above by Pete, but I'll leave the amount of time to you guys. I'm kind of excited to see how this goes!

There will be some Point of View changing in the next few chapters, so please forgive me if anyone seems a little out of character. I feel like I could have been a little snarkier for Peter's spot. Heheh.

A few more Oc's are going to be popping up, but Simone, Tracey, Ax and Connor have a special place in my heart. They were originally supposed to only last a couple of chapters, but I managed to get attached to them . . .

Keep an eye out for them in future chapters!

Thank you all for reading! You guys are the best!


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