Chapter 3. ~~ Kendall

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Kendall's pov.

If I'd had any idea how today was going to go? There is no way I would have stepped foot into school, or would have removed myself from under my duvet this morning for that matter!

I made sure my sleeves were pulled down over my wrists, the thought of them rolling up and exposing the gouge on my arm causing my stomach to roll over. Steeling myself, I approached the other's waiting by my locker. Talking about last night was something I had to do to get it straight in my head, but a little voice inside me screamed that It should be left where it belongs, in the shadows of a long night.

I caught Alex's eye, my heart pounding a little faster, that heart melting lopsided grin all over his face. I pulled my sexiest smile, emphasized by the hot new red lipstick I had adorned my pout with this morning. He caught me in his arms and twirled me around with a kiss. I forced out a girly giggle, unwilling to show everyone how shaken up I was busy trying not to feel.

" Hey, you know we would have stuck around last night, make sure you were ok and all, but you're sister came flying down the stairs, and we thought it would be best to shoot?"

Wayne nonchalantly tried to pass his cowardice off to me right away. I rolled my eyes, and turned to Gabby and Neve who were tugging at my arm eager to get my attention.

"Are you ok? What did your mom say? Did Morgan go mental? What the hell was it? Did you see a ghost in the night, are you like..haunted now?"

Gabby let out a tirade of questions! I looked at Neve who was biting her lip nervously, worry clouding her eyes. At least I had one sensible friend to talk to.

" She was cool about the chandelier, Morgan was actually pretty great, although I didn't tell her exactly what happened, she knew something went down with that ouija board and whatever it was, it wasn't good!"

"So nothing else happened after we left?"

Neve asked, touching my arm and searching my eyes for clues that I'm not playing anything down.

"No, I don't think I could have taken anything else. My heart would literally have stopped beating in absolute terror! "

I clutched my heart dramatically, and shivered at the thought. Alex chuckled, and nudged me playfully.

" I reckon we should do it again, and film it this time, we could be youtube sensations!"

Wayne enthused. Gabby and Neve protested loudly in horror. I was glad, or I would have had to punch him!

"Listen guys, I don't know what we saw and heard last night exactly, but I know there has to be some rational explanation behind it."

My ever sensible boyfriend protested.

"Are you freaking kidding me Alex? Did you not hear the voice on the stereo? What it said?? Radio one does NOT use that language."

Gabby said, with grave seriousness. I had to laugh, this is why she is my friend she's such a goofball. It was almost time for class, and I really needed to speak to Neve, the thing on my arm burned beneath my clothing reminding me it was still very much real.

"We'd better head to class, you guys walk ahead slowly. I just want to run something past Neve about our history homework we have to hand in this afternoon."

I flashed my sweetest smile at Alex, flicking my perfect manicure at Gabby and Wayne in dismissal. He nodded, kissing me on the head quickly, and sliding off my backpack to carry my bag to class.

"What is it Kendall, what's really going on?"

Neve whispered, panic creeping into her voice.

"I need to show you something. I couldn't show Alex or he'd have me dragged to the nearest hospital, and if Gabby and Wayne knew? Well it would be all round school by lunch, and I'd be a total freakshow!"

Neve nodded, signaling me to continue. I let out a stream of air nervously, and began to roll up my sleeve. Just as it had been last night, the gouge in my arm looked oh so much like a claw mark. It's ferociousness causing the furrowed skin around it to glow an angry red. Neve sucked in a breath sharply.

" I just don't want to think about what could have caused it, or why? It happened right when the stereo went on."

I said, my eyes still fixed on my arm.

"Maybe it's because you ARE a CUNT!"

Neve leant in, and whispered slyly in my ear.

My whole body went cold. Then instead of fear, I just felt anger. It's a character flaw of mine that anger is my go to emotion when I'm threatened, confronted, or just plain pissed!

I jerked away from her, snapped back my arm and slapped her as hard as I could. The loud clap of skin on skin echoed through the narrow hallway. Neve stood there, shock plastered over her face, eyes wide and not comprehending as she clutched her stinging cheek.

Footsteps thundered behind me as my friends came running back at hearing the commotion. Gabby threw her arm around Neve protectively. Wayne at her other side asking her what the hell had happened.

"Neve what the fuck did you say to her?"

Alex asked sharply, a hand resting on my shoulder uncertainty.

" Nothing...I...I..don't know what happened, we were talking and she lost it!"

Neve stammered.

"You liar! Why would you say that to me??"

I stepped toward her. Gabby pulled her back a little out of my reach , Wayne putting a protective arm around her shoulders. Alex tried to gently push me back too. I looked at him hurt, mouth open in surprise. I had no idea what the hell to say, I mean what the hell just happened here? Gabby hugged a sobbing, bewildered Neve, as I glanced around at my friends faces. Each one of them looking at me like I had lost my damn mind.

While they looked at me, I looked at Neve, desperate for some kind of answer. Her head resting on Gabby's shoulder she looked right at me, slowly her eyes rolled back the whites completely disappearing, leaving the coal black eyes of something else, a demonic grin leering at me as something rippled beneath the skin of her distorted face.

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