one;; wake me up

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feeling my way through the darkness
guided by a beating heart
i can't tell where the journey will end
but i know where to start


Two years since that night and I have finally murdered my father. I stared down at the limp corpse in disgust, kicking him and wiping my bloodied hands on his shirt and cleaning the blade of my knife on the torn cloth. I felt no sympathy for him. In fact, he should be glad I dealt him a quick death.

Two years and he still happened to be an alcoholic with absolutely no worth. I knew for a fact no one would notice his disappearance. The people in the clubs he went to didn't give a shit about my dad. I guess that was a good thing. After pushing his dead, soon-to-rot body to the place under the desk with only my foot, I left. And I hoped never to come across this horrible place again.


*insert 1 year timeskip*

I yelled in frustration, slamming the door of the house that I now called home. Even though I stole hundreds worth of jewelry over the years, only a minority of the villain community accepted me. Just because I was female. I hated this and I wanted more than nothing to prove to the others that I, Scarlet Overkill, was capable. Very capable.

I started my computer and went online to the weapon store and entered the password to the site. I hit more keys and added guns and explosives to my order, then realized a lot of them came from the same manufacturer - a guy called Herb. That's funny. Not giving it much thought, I paid for the stuff with the hundred credit cards I stole.

Sighing, I leaned back in the spinning chair, running a hand through my hair. I was really, really tired right now. Standing up, I went into the washroom, reminding myself of how horrible I looked. I washed my face and then settled on the couch, curling up against the cushions, just about to switch of the television when the screen flickered and showed the smiling face of Queen Elizabeth. I narrowed my eyes when I saw her crown, suddenly reminded of my childhood drawings. Me as a queen.

And just like that, I knew exactly what my next goal was. What I didn't know, was that Herb would come to the door in thirty minutes and he would turn out to be someone I could never forget.


yay! i hope you liked this chapter. it was kinda short but i hope that's still okay! next chapter is when scarlet meets herb for the first time (: thanks for reading!

- ashen x

Overkilled // scarlet overkillWhere stories live. Discover now