Leo-wondering about you

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It is late I am sitting at the front of my ship by Festus. Wondering what she is doing right now and how I am going to get back to her. It had been almost a day I miss her so much I have not been able to get her out of my head. Every night I dream about Calypso. Being back on her island. Being with her. My inventions were all I was good at,now she distracts me from that.

"What are you doing?" A voice asks startling me. I turn to see who it is and no one is there.

"Nothing Nico." I say knowing it is him hiding in the shadows.

"Really it looks like you are doing some hard thinking about something or someone." He says mischievously.

"No Nico I am just getting a breath of fresh air." I say jumping on the boat's deck.

"OK." Says Nico stepping out of the shadows. "I won't tell." He says.

"Tell what? There is nothing to tell." I say walking to my captain's station.

"About you and Calypso. I heard she misses you." He says smirking.

"What? How do you know?" I say confused and frustrated.

"The dead know things." He says still smirking. He jumps into the shadows and disappears.

Who told him? How did they know? Who else are they telling?
I walk to my cabin and as soon as I get there. I see Jason. Standing in the hall probably waiting for me. I want to try to avoid him but he see's me.

"Hey Leo are you ok?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah. I'm just tired." I say.

"Are you positive? We can talk about it. Leo I'm your friend." He says still sounding concerned.

"No. I'm fine Jason. Just tired." I say exasperated.

"Okay Leo. But you can come talk to me when you get ready." He says then walks down the hall and turns the corner.

I walk into my cabin and sit on my bed. I pull a small piece of chain out of my pocket it is part of the chain I used to make Calypso's necklace I gave her. I  made it for her while I was there she gave me a hug. The first  hug I ever got from her. It was so nice being in her warm embrace. I lay on my bed and drift away to Calypso's island she is so happy to see me.

"Leo! Your here! You came back!" She screams in an excited high pitched squeal. She runs to me enveloping me in a hug.

"Yes I'm here I swore I would get back to you on the river of stix." I say.

"I missed you so much Leo. I never stopped thinking about you." She says squeezing me tighter.

"Me neither Calypso. Me neither."

With you in my head (A Calypso and Leo fan fiction) /Wattys 2016\Where stories live. Discover now