I know so

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Ashlen Pov

We haven't heard from Ansley in months, we only see her on the internet or some gossip website. And judging off the pictures she has always looked happy with Klay even off guard pictures she was still happy. The last time we heard from her was when she sent us a picture of her baby boy named August Aubrey Anthony Thompson.That baby is adorable, Klay couldn't even deny that baby if he wanted to. I usually send up clothes and toys for the baby.I believe daddy does too. We tried to talk to her,but she never responds.

Klay Pov

"Ansley how long you're gonna hold this grudge" I asked as I held August  as she got the milk."Grudge on what."She asked handing me the bottle.I gave her a look and said"Your dad" She rolled her eyes."Fu** him he doesn't accept me, my decisions,or us." She said handing me the bottle."Tell me when has he ever said out his mouth I don't accept you,your decision,or yal together." I said."He doesn't have to say it, actions speak louder than words, I could see it all over his face."Ansley said."Alright Ansley,but you can't just keep August away from his family. He needs to know his family." I said."He knows your side,thats all of a family he needs,he wouldn't have to worry about them not accepting him."Ansley said."Woow Ansley, I just don't get it you got family who love and care about you, based on all the messages,calls,and gifts they give us,you still think they worried about that blow up on your birthday , no they just want you back. Like did you hear about Riley's real mother,her parents turned on her when they found out she was pregnant, but yours still supporting you sending toys,money,and constantly checking up on us.But you just ignore it,Like when Are you ever gonna forgive."I said."you know what,I don't have to take this from you,I'm going to bed." Ansley said as she walked off."we'll let you see your family one day."I said to August as I kissed his forehead. August  ended up going to sleep in my arms as I watched tv. I put him in his crib and went in the room with Ansley. She was laying in bed crying like the usual. I knew she was wanting her dad,she just didn't want to show it. I got in bed with her and pulled her into my arms. I held her tightly,kissed her cheek,and buried my head in the crook of her neck as she cried.
8 months later
Ansley finally let the past go and wanted to see her family. I knocked on the door as I held August  who was in his carseat. Ansley was nervous,I could tell by the way her hands shook. Her dad opened the door. They stared at each other for a few seconds and Her dad pulled her into a hug.I lightly smiled as she dug her head into his chest."I missed you daddy,"She said."I missed you too baby girl." He said as he kissed her head. He shook my hand as she still hugged him." Daddy, here is August." She said as she pulled away from him."I feel so honored that you gave him my name."her dad said as he let us in."yea I just had to,he just look like his name should be August and as A kid I Even told you I Was gonna name my child after you." Ansley said."true."her dad said."Val, Ansley's here." Her dad said as he held August. Val came rushing down stairs giving us both a hug." I really really missed you so much!" Val said as she showered Ansley with kisses on the cheek."missed you too Val" she said."oh here is August, Aww he's so adorable!" Val said as she took August from Ansley's dad. "Aww he looks just like Klay."Val said."Yea he really does."Ansley said. "So how yal been."Ansley's dad said as he looked at me."great."I said."Really good,we been doing well, right now were like focusing on Aug right now.But we spend free time together."Ansley said."Oh thats nice."he said. "Yea,well Klay and I are gonna go for a walk,we'll be back,Enjoy baby Aug." Ansley said as she grabbed my arm."alright."her dad said. So Her parents watched August as me and her went walking around the neighborhood."Whats on your mind baby?" I asked as we held hands."Even though my dad acts like he's fine with us, I know he isn't." Ansley said."I know this is really bothering you but you gotta ignore it, he's just doing it for your sake because he loves you and he's gonna do this to make you happy. And honestly I think he's starting to accept us,because he sees how serious in love we are and its nothing fake about our relationship." I said as I pulled her into my arms.She looked up at me and said"you think so?" I smiled and said "I know so." I then pecked her lips.

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