Just Be Friends

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This was a present for someone, sadly, their account was removed.

And this is nothing compared to their amazing work.

I miss you Noctis.xD Even though you can't see this. You were a fun guy♥

Obviously since it was for him. the main character does have his name. Maddy is the guy he liked or...something. He never told me the guy's name so o.o.

Sorry. It's like...Weirdly written.


They were all so obnoxious that day…But it was the day I came across the boisterous teen.

I remember the library so clearly that day, the way the books smelt, the dust falling from the bindings, the crusty old librarian that glared so fixedly at everyone. And most of all, I remember, his ridiculous friends.

“Ow.” Something had hit me; I placed my hand over my eye that was hit, staring with my other at the paper star. I frowned, hearing the groups of males at the table across from me break into a fit of chuckles. I would never grow to understand teenager’s sense of humor, even when I became one. At thirteen, I was just becoming one of those things at the time being.

He had stepped over, I watched his slow movements, that coy smile on his young face, sandy hair fell around his cheeks, but it wasn’t those things I had decided to notice, no, it was his leafy green eyes that caught my attention. I’m not sure what it was about them and for the rest of my time on this earth I wouldn’t figure it out, maybe it was how they looked at me rather than around me, like other people, or how the light reflected in them. Without those eyes, he wasn’t worth a second glance I decided later in life.

“Sorry, little guy.” His smile turned into a smirk as he took the paper star, he poked it to the corner of his mouth, and he continued to stare at me.

“What do you want?” I had snapped, I didn’t want to deal with overgrown children at the moment, though this guy only looked about five-nine; he wasn’t all too tall compared to others his age.

“Say,” He plunked down in a seat backwards, hanging over the back, his hair sliding before his eyes, he left it. “What’s your name little boy?”

I had no intention of sharing with him, besides he hadn’t offered his name. A moment of silence passed and his lips parted to speak, only before he could get what he wanted out, his obnoxious friends called to him, “Yo! Maddy, let’s go!”

“Oh?” Maddy looked over his shoulder, he glanced at me again, looking regretful as he pulled himself up and left. With a sigh, I returned to my reading, happy to be done with the idiot.

The silence again slipped in, I found myself that trip to the library staring at the door his sandy colored head had vanished behind.

It would be a few more days before I came across Maddy again, it just so happened to be at the same library. I was going through the rows of historical books, looking for something interesting. I had pulled up, instantly startled at seeing him leaned over so casually. I bumped into the row next to us; I began to glare at the idiot. What did he think he was doing anyway?!

“Hello again.” He whispered, smiling as if he wasn’t being a creeper or anything.

“What do you want?” I snapped, remembering that before when I had first come across him, I had said the exact same thing. I already had a clue, he probably wanted my name.

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