"If you're done checking me out, can we go grab something to drink? I'm really thirsty." He stated. I pushed him off the chair and laughed "First of all, I wasn't checking you out. Second, I'm waiting for someone."

He chuckled. Oh gosh his chuckle, it was like music to my ears. "You so were checking me out and the last time I heard, your friend left you."

"Anne? She didn't leave me. She was just---" I kept thinking of words that could complete my sentence. Adam shouldn't know that Anne left me.

"Sure, keep telling that to yourself. Now come on, I'm thirsty."

"How'd you know she left me anyway?" I asked, standing up from the bench slowly.

"Uh.. I heard you shouting?" He replied in a matter of fact. "Besides, I was nearby when you were both talking." He put on his Ray Bans and began walking.

"Right" I murmured.
Do I follow him? No! Yes? No! Yes! Grab the opportunity Mer, this comes once in a life time. You won't see each other after 48 days!

"Hey! Wait up"


"How can you not love puppies?" Adam asked while we were walking on the shore. The sun was already setting this time and everything was just, romantic? Cliché? Both.

"I hate puppies okay? They give me the creeps especially when they bark and bite." I shivered and took a sip from my Chocolate shake.

"How can you hate puppies and love chocolate?" He asked again and kicked a pebble.

"How can you love puppies and hate chocolate?" I deadpanned "I mean, if you love puppies, you must be a sweet guy and a sweet guy must love sweet things!"

He stopped midway and grabbed by right arm. I stopped and looked into his green eyes, raising my brow in confusion. Oh my gosh! What is he doing? Is he gonna kiss me? No! He can't! He can't rush things quickly! He can't kiss me!
"You're right." He said out of no where.
Did I just hear that correctly?

"What?" I blurted.

"I am sweet. The sweetest guy you'll ever find." He dropped my arm and tucked his in his pockets. He smirked, revealing his right dimple and I swear, that was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I could stare at him for a day or two without looking anywhere else but him. But we all know that someone has to break the moment for things not to get awkward.
I thought things are already awkward... Shut up..

"So," I blinked and looked away "It's getting dark, I think we should head back." I looked at the now rising moon. I crossed and rubbed my arms not knowing why I did that in the first place because one, it's not cold, two, it's warm, three, there's no wind at all.
Nice going Mer..

"Yeah, I'm about to go anyway"
He replied "I'm sorry for wasting your time."

I blinked and stared at him blankly, "Waste? It sounds terrible when you say it." I chuckled and nudged him.

He stepped back and laughed "I'm sorry for spending your time--" He stopped and continued, "what?"

"Even worse.." I laughed, "why can't you just say "Thank you for spending your time with me?"" Using air quotes, I rolled my eyes.

"Thankful? Who said I was thankful?" He said in a serious tone causing me to look at him in question.

Is this some kind of joke? I spent no, wasted my entire day no, half of my day for him and all I get is "sorry for spending or wasting your day"?!

"I'm kidding! Loosen up buttercup."
Adam suddenly stopped and there was this thick silence present between us. Buttercup? Did he just? No, probably just a slip of a tongue.

"What I meant was, loosen up.. Uh sorry, I should be going.. So um--" he trailed off and I finished it for him. "Yeah, i should probably go, parents.. They're expecting me.."

And we both parted ways without saying a word.


"Hey mom, I'm home." I shouted receiving no reply.

"Mom?" I dropped my backpack and leaned my board against the wall. I held the railings of the stairs and began calling mom again but nothing came.
Probably went somewhere I thought. And went to the kitchen to grab something on the fridge when I saw mom's letter sticking on it.

Date with ur dad. We'll be back by 10.

Great, just great... They leave me here without even texting me. First Margo, then Anne, then my parents. Absolutely great.

I opened the freezer and took out the things I can't live without= Ben and Jerry's. Only the number one male best friends I have or I'll ever have. They're better than any boyfriend anyone will ever have.Besides from the fact that they're cold and they give you Diabetes, They're really there when you need anyone to talk to. Yes, I talk to my ice cream.

I grabbed a spoon and sat on the couch. I opened the television and scanned the channels. "Mr. Bean's Holiday no, Chicken Little no, Mean Girls no," I enumerated each movie coming out from different channels "CNN no, Prince of Persia no, Home yes!" Settling with home, I made myself comfortable by snuggling on my pillow and taking in a spoonful of ice cream from the pint to my mouth.

I was in the part wherein O saw Tip in the gas station when a buzzing sound came from my phone.


Annoying much?
"Hello?" I answered.

"Oh hey! Summer! Margo wanted me to tell you to come over since you're alone."
A familiar voice greeted me on the other side. It's been too long since we last seen each other, way too long.


I remembered back then when he used to visit our school to take Margo on carnivals. The day Margo's parents fought, he was there to carry her in his arms and tell her everything's alright. He was there when Margo got sick or when she was really down. I admire their relationship. They treat each other like best friends, only closer. Like me, Margo hated guys who would make a big deal of their "monthsary". It's not like they've been couples for years, but just been together for months! The next thing you'll know they'll break up or whatsoever. Call me bitter but I know love when I see one.

"Uh no, it's Sir Underwood to you." He stated, clearly holding back his laughter.

"Mr. Underwood," I played along, "would you be kind enough to pass Margo this phone and let me talk to her instead? You're wasting my time!"

"Why are you so serious? I was only joking."

"Clearly." I replied leaving him a sigh.  There was a ruffled noise that followed and a few exchanged giggles and laughter when Margo finally picked up her phone only to hang up on me after saying hi.

I dialed her number and pressed call only to hear the voice mail machine answer. I needn't ask anymore what the call was for because they always did that. Call and hang up, pretending there was something wrong so you'd rush out of your house to check on them, only to see them smooching and holding each other like there's no tomorrow. Yes, I truly admire their relationship. It's weird and twisted in every way.
I am sorry for the late update and for a very short one.

Promise to make the next chapters longer ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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