Chapter 20 - The End

Start from the beginning

Friends just sleep in another bed,
And friends don't kiss me like you do.
And I know that there's a limit to everything,
But my friends won't love me like you.

And for that I would like to say out loud that I am a lesbian and I love you, Karlie Elizabeth Kloss. I'm so happy we met and you are the best girlfriend I could've ever imagined."

Taylor turned away of the loud crowd and saw Karlie walking on the stage to hug Taylor. The tears were rolling down Taylor's cheeks as Karlie was whispering to her: "you did it. You're a hero. I'm so proud of you and I love you."

When Taylor turned back, she saw all these people with mixed reactions. They were mostly confused. "And..." she sobbed and wiped off her tears, but the new ones started rolling down her cheeks again as she started speaking. "And I couldn't tell anybody because people are so quick to judge me on everything and I was scared... So the next thing I want to tell you, and now I am not speaking just to all of you who are scared to tell your family your orientation, but to everyone, I know it is not easy for you to tell anybody anything, or when you're suffering from depression or eating disorder, it's not that simple to just tell the world."

"So whenever you know that you need to tell somebody something, make sure you know first what exactly is happening with you. Some of you may have an amazing support just like I did. Without the support of my friends and family, I wouldn't be ever standing there and telling you this. But most of you don't have even one person to talk to. So all I am saying is that... Whenever... whenever anything like this happens to you, I will always be there and I will support all of you no matter how apart we will be. I love you, you are great. And I hope all of you will have beautiful lifes and build strong, supportive families and be happy. Thank you."

Taylor heard applause behind her back while she was running off the stage in tears, stains of mascara drying on her cheeks. Karlie was hugging her like there is no tomorrow, like she thought the hug has a healing effect.

"I... did it."

"Yes, you did. And I love you." Karlie kissed Taylor's forehead. "Now give me your hand. We're going home."

Taylor grabbed Karlie's hand and took her sunglasses out of her pocket. It didn't cover the stains but Karlie decided not to tell her. She kept her mouth shut for the whole way home. Karlie was thinking about how Taylor feels. Is she happy? Is she sad? Is she angry? Karlie knew that it's better to let Taylor speak first, but after they came home, she couldn't hold it anymore. "How are you feeling?"

Taylor let out a frustrated sigh and sat on the cough. Karlie sat next to her. "Confused. I don't think it was a good idea after all. Sure, I am happy that my biggest secret is out of my mind. But I just wasn't able to say anything after I said the main thing. I was just talking shit, you know? I really really don't know if they're gonna drag me or not."

Karlie couldn't answer. Nobody knows how will people react. She rubbed Taylor's back. Taylor turned around to face her and she gave her a soft kiss. Karlie smiled. This was Taylor. Under all the mascara is the girl she loves. Karlie kissed Taylor back and they were kissing like that for a few minutes. Taylor's smile faded away as she spoke: "I'm worried, Kar. As the person who likes to plan everything, this is very stressing time for me."

"You need to rest. Come with me, I will make you mint tea and you will just go to bed and rest." Karlie grabbed Taylor's hand an they walked into the bedroom. Karlie covered her with the sheets and when she brought her the mint tea, Taylor was already sleeping.

"Sleeping beauty," Karlie smiled and left the room.


Taylor was woken up by some weird noises comming from the living room, but she was too lazy to go there. Right as she closed her eyes again, Karlie quickly opened the door, which made the door bump into the wall and make loud noise. Taylor opened her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows at Karlie. "Wh... what is-"

"IT WORKED!! IT WORKED!! IT WORRRKEEEDDD!!!" Karlie was screaming and dancing around the bedroom whit her laptop.

Taylor shook her head. "What worked?"

Karlie threw the laptop on the bed and sat next to Taylor. Taylor pulled herself up so she could sit and read the article that Karlie was reading before. Her eyes were jumping from word to word, she was trying to read it quickly.

" We've heard a lot of comming-out stories, but what is sweeter than Taylor Swift's speech at the LastSun Festival? "

"Oh my..." was the only thing she could say.

" During her speech, Swift didn't tell us just about her biggest love of her life, Karlie Kloss, who is apparently the tallest of Swift's model squad, but she also mentioned everyone who is struggling to tell somebody something, and how important it is to know what is happening with you before anyone else knows. She told us that one of her biggest supporters was the family and friends. 'Without the support of my family and friends, I wouldn't be standing there,' she said.

Last thing Swift told the crowd was very touching. - 'I hope all of you will have beautiful lifes and build strong, supportive families and be happy'. So there are thing that we weren't expecting before the speech, but Swift's speech full of loving words showed all of us that equal right are important and now whe kind of want to be in the same relationship as Kloss. "

"This is perfect!" Taylor smiled and hugged Karlie. "And you haven't checked Twittet yet," Karlie giggled. Taylor quickly grabbed her phone and clicked on the bird icon. The top trending hashtag was #swiftspeech and all of the tweets were saying nice things. Taylor's heart melted. Fans, celebrities, even the media... all of the cute messages made Taylor cry tears from happiness.

"So... we did it?" Karlie asked Taylor after a while.

"We did it," Taylor smiled and kissed Karlie on her lips.


Give Me Your Hand, shortly GMYH, was my first story here on Wattpad. I remember crying about the fact that we hit 1K reads, and look where we are now! 20 chapters and so many comments, votes and wiews! I want to thank you all for spending your time with my story, especially to all of you who read this story from beginning to end. I couldn't imagine better readers than you. ♥

And even if this story is over and will forever be labeled as 'finished', I have three other stories that you can read and enjoy. Here they are with a small description:

Next - When dominant buisnesswoman Karlie met her new shy secretary Taylor, she knew this girl had to be hers. Watch how Taylor has to learn that not all relationships are cute and sweet, and how Karlie sees that Taylor is pushing her barriers far away.

Model - Taylor Swift rules the pop industry, has tons of friends and a great life. After she meets Karlie Kloss, a clumsy, tall and unlucky waitress, Taylor knows she would exchange everything she has for this girl.

Silent Screams - After one night meeting Taylor's used-to-be neighbours, the singer falls in love with one of the Kloss' daughters, a six year younger student Karlie.

Dark Lies - (ON HOLD) Taylor gets kidnapped at a party, which wasn't the worst thing, because she has to live with her kidnapper, a heartless criminal Kloss.

So, thank you for everything. I love you guys. ;)

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