Chapter 16 - Always There

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The streets in New York were still soaked in water from the previous rain. All the clouds were grey and leaves were floating around the town. It was a really sad time. At least for Taylor.

"Thank you for comming," Taylor mumbled while she was watching a tall boy walking around her flat in his black coat. He stopped for a second and looked at Taylor, his eyes sparkling with some sort of excitement.

"It was my pleasure, Taylor. Well, I'm not gonna lie - I knew that sooner or later, you will call me," he said with a grin, while taking off his coat and placing it on a sofa next to Taylor, where he sat. "Now tell me what happened."

Taylor breathed out and hung her head. "It... It all started when Karlie... was on some talkshow. She told the reporter that we're dating, and I... I wasn't ready for that."

"I knew you had something with her!" he shouted with a bright smile. Taylor sighed.

"I did. But it's all over now. I had millions of fans, you know? I had an amazing life!" Then, her voice got quieter. "I loved her and she loved me."

"But she ruined everything and I can't go back, I wan't to get her back, but it's just not possible. She hurt me."

"You know what? Fuck her. Fuck some stupid Karlie Kloss. She doesn't deserve a girl like you. You're better. Just don't care," he said, rubbing Taylor's back.

"Tha... thank you..." Taylor sobbed and hugged him. An evil grin appeared on his face, but she didn't see it.

"And whatever happens, I'll always be there. I always was and I always will."

"Thank you for this, Harry. Really thank you so much."

And now, Taylor felt safe. She felt safe in his arms. She felt safe while talking to him. She just felt safe... with him.

Taylor looked in Harry's eyes, just like she did a few minutes ago. Everything was happening so fast but so slow... And when he cupped her face and gave her a long, passionate kiss, everything felt so right.

With Karlie, things were totally different. For example, their first kiss was so good but so bad. Their vacation? They've never had something more romantic, adventurous and beautiful. And every moment they spent together was magical, because they had to hide their relationship.

On the other side, what Taylor was doing now was right. Most people had the same relationship. No worries, no hiding. Isn't that exactly what she needs?

As she was kissing Harry, all these questions were on her mind. She pulled her lips away. "Harry... is this right?"

"Honey," he said casually, "this is right. Whatever was happening before wasn't."

"But I-"

"But you what? Darlin', Taylor, you have to understand that we should be together." His pink lips touched Taylor's ear as he purred: "And you don't want any scandals, do you?"

Taylor was shaking, still confused and sad. He was younger, but he was right. "No, I don't."

Harry kissed her on her forehead. "Good girl. Now I'll go and make sure that everyone will forget what they heard yesterday."

And Taylor just nodded, still not able to discuss it or actually do anything.

I know, so short chapter :(

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