Chapter 20 - The End

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A month passed. Taylor was healthy and happy again. Karlie was the best girlfriend anyone could ever imagine and helped Taylor through the hardest time. Of course Harry tried to reach out and even tried to sneak into Karlie's apartment, but nothing worked for him. Karlie and Taylor weren't now just girlfriends - they were team.

There was last thing that was Taylor dealing with. Being true to who she is was alredy on her "done" list, but being true to her fans, and the whole world... that was something she needed to do. But mostly what she wanted to do.

Everything happened quickly. One day, Taylor drove to the New York centre with her girlfriend Karlie. It was already autumn so while they were walking through the streets, colourful leaves were falling to the ground around them and their faces were golden because of the last sunshine in this season. Both of the girls were wearing coats, Taylor's coat was white and Karlie's was grey. They were both wearing dark blue jeans and black high heels. Taylor was smililng proudly while holding Karlie's hand and Karlie's bright smile proved that she is an actual sunshine. Not even the paparazzi could take their smiles down.

They were now at this big autumn festival, standing behind the main stage. 16 000 people came here to enjoy last sunny autum days and see Taylor. The whole area was filled with people so much that they couldn't even sit. Taylor was happy to see her fans wearing different costumes from Taylor's videos, but... will they be Taylor's fans even after they will hear Taylor's speech?

"Taylor? Are you alright?" Karlie asked her, which woke Taylor up from her daydreaming.

"I...I... think... You know... I'm a little worried..." Taylor whispered. She grabbed Karlie's face and gently turned it to the crowd. See these people? See my fans? See their awesome costumes they've spent hours on? What if there will be nobody, nobody who will do all these costumes after... after my speech?"

Karlie rubbed Taylor's back. "You know, Taylor... you don't have to do this if you don't want to. It's just your choice. Nobody is forcing you to do it."

"I know Karlie. Thank you. But I already said I'll do it. I think you have to go through the worst to live the best."

"That's a beautiful sentence, T." Karlie gave Taylor a tight hug.

"TAYLOR SWIFT!" Someone from the staff screamed to the back wher the girls were standing. Taylor nodded and squeezed Karlie's hand.

"Taylor, don't worry. No matter what will happen now and on, I'll be there for you. Always." And with that, Karlie pressed her forehead to Taylor's.

"Always," Taylor whispered back and kissed her. She quickly pulled away after someone came to them. "Miss Swift... You can go now."


Taylor walked on the podium and suddenly the whole crowd screamed. She looked to the front row and saw a bunch of girls dressed as Taylor in the Shake It Off video. They were all screaming and crying. Taylor waved at them and mouthed the words: "I love you! Your costumes are perfect!"

Then, she cleared her throat and smiled at all the people. "Well, hi guys!" She greeted them which was followed by a loud scream.

"My name is Taylor..."

Another scream.

"Welcome to the LastSun Festival!"

"So, to start off, I would like to thank you all for the amazing support on the album, 1989. It's been such an amazing year with you guys, and you know why I've won so many awards? Because of you. So thank you for that."

"Okay. Um, I have so many things to tell you and I don't even know where to start. Well, let's start there. Like I said, the year with 1989 was amazing and I was so glad that you all happened to like my first pop album. And even though you were all great, there were things that I wasn't happy with. A lot of girls think that the most important thing is to find a man. Sometimes it is the only thing the care about. A man. Don't get me wrong, I was also one of them. I wanted a man. As you may know, I made so many amazing friends through my life. And I love them all but there is a one friend that I was so amazed by. At first, we were like normal friends. But we had so so so much in common that we started seeing each other every day. And one day, we realized we are not just friends. Because, like my another good friend Ed would say:

[IS BEING REWRITTEN] Give Me Your Hand ➳ KaylorWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu