Rachel laughs as she pulls back and slightly bounces on the bed, "I'm going to have to take Quinn someday. It sounds like so much fun. Do you think she'd ever wear slacks and suspenders?"

There's a moment's silence and then Santana throws her head back and literally collapses on top of her bed laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"Oh God." She gasps for air and continues to laugh, "I have to be there when you tell her." Rachel is somehow able to make out those words that Santana says through her laughter.

The tiny diva isn't amused however, "I don't see why it's that funny Santana. I myself would absolutely do so, however with our height differences and her Cheerio training, I'd much prefer her doing the lifts and taking on the lead instead of me."

Santana starts laughing again but this time less boisterously, "Rach, sweetie no, just no. You go on and on about your years of ballet..." She's interrupted by Rachel nodding her head.

"Exactly! And I'm always the one being lifted and carried and so on and so forth. You however with your Cheerio training, have all been trained in lifting others. I'm more than certain that she'll also feel more comfortable knowing she wont have to risk her safety."

Santana chuckles and raises an eyebrow, "Why can't the two of you just be in dresses?"

Rachel's cheek tint and she averts her eyes, "We can! There's nothing against it, I sure don't have any problem with the both of us being in dresses. I'm sure she'll look heavenly, especially with her hair done up. She'll look absolutely gorgeous if I do say so myself, which as apparent, I do."

The slightly taller brunette simply watches Rachel in amusement as she rambles on until she finally runs out of words.

"I think you've got a thing with the idea of Quinn wearing suspenders."

Her grin widens as she takes in the deepening of the blush on Rachel's face, "What? I-I don't know what you're talking about. Even though I'm certain she'll look good in anything."

Santana smirks, "Oh no you don't Berry. You've imagined her in slacks and suspenders and it's got you all hot and bothered."

Rachel bites her lip, weighing the pros and cons of either admitting or denying the allegation, however her silence speaks volumes.

"Oh my God you have! This is precious!" Santana is once again gasping for air.

By now Rachel's face resembles a tomato as she tries incredibly hard not to bury her face into the pillows when Santana sits up and just grins at her, "So you've got a thing for Q-ball all dressed up huh?"

Rachel averts her gaze and shrugs slightly and Santana takes slight pity on her, "Walk me through it, I promise I think I'm done laughing."

The tiny brunette chuckles and tucks some hair behind her ear as she shrugs, "For whatever reason I have this inane need to see Quinn wearing sleek black slacks with a fitted white shirt and suspenders, her hair slicked back and..." she cuts herself off and bites her tongue.

Santana grins at her, "For whatever reason? It has nothing to do with the fact that you saw us dress up for Halloween in something similar a few years ago?"

Rachel's eyes widen as she's assaulted with the memory, "Oh God."

"You're welcome."

Rachel laughs finally and pushes Santana onto her back, "Shut up Lopez. Okay now I understand...do you think she'd wear it though? I mean for me?"

Standing up after brushing herself off Santana just grins and nods her head, "If she did it for me, trust me she'd probably even wear a freakin tie for you."

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