Hell On Wheels

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I rev up my engine on my Kawasaki Ninja and focus on the track. I know this track like that back of my hand. I can make it up to 80 before having to downshift and make a sharp left turn. Then I can regain my speed and hit about 95 before downshifting and making a right turn. The second turn isn't as sharp as the first. So as long as I get down to around 70 I can hit the turn with ease.

I'm racing against some newbie guy that is new in town. It's an easy 3 thousand in my pocket tonight. The idiot pulls up next to me and revs his engine trying to get the crowed hyped up. But what he doesn't know is the crowed knows exactly what I know. I'm going to win and once I remove my helmet he will have the biggest bruised ego of his life. I smile to myself and crank up the music on my iPod I don't listen to anyone or anything when I race.

As the sleazy girl stands in front of us asking if we r ready I rev my engine and start singing to myself Bulls In The Bronx By Pierce The Veil. She drops her hands in a swift movement and we are off. It takes me about two minutes and thirteen seconds to race this track. I hold the fastest record. I hit 81 and down shift to 64 while making the sharp left turn. Then get back up to 80 within seconds. I hit 95 and downshift quickly making my right turn at 72. I am back up at 90 before I even know it. The rest of the track is pretty straight and I don't look back to see where the guy is. I don't care, I know I have him by at least 400 feet. I cross the line at 103 and let off the throttle.

At least I have made enough money tonight to cover myself until the race next week. I come to a stop and everyone is surrounding me. I turn off the love of my life and put down the kick stand. I pull off my helmet and set in on the seat. Two great things are about to happen. The first one is I will get my money. The second is my opponent will be shocked.

He pulls off his helmet and weaves through the crown to congratulate me I assume. But when he comes up to me I see the shock on his face. The next thing said is always my favorite. "You're a girl?" But to my surprise he didn't say it. He suck his hand out to shake and I did the same. He smiled a very sly smile and winked. I rolled my eyes.

Lucky Jake came up and broke that awkwardness. He handed me my money. I counted it in front of him like I always did. Three thousand four hundred and thirty six dollars. I slapped the four hundred in his hands and got back on my bike. The crowd started to disperse. But the asshole I defeated was still standing there.

"Can I help you will something jackass?"  Yes I did win and I was happy for that. But I just wanted dinner and a shower. "I came here looking for a job. Know where I could find one?" Yeah, anything that doesn't involve racing. I thought to myself. "Is your company hiring?" He asked. He probably overheard the crowd talking about my shop. "Can you work better then you drive?" I asked. He smiled a cocky grin. "Fill out an application and I will let you know. Come by tomorrow." And with that I look off leaving him in my dust once again.

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