Part 29

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Listen to this later on in the story, ps it will make you CRI :'))
Alsooooo it was 5 years and wow. 5 Years. It was Larry's anniversary. It was the boys anniversary. *smiles*
I'm emotional.
Oh yea and that picture was made by the darkest Larrie.

I wouldn't be surprised if Liam made it.

Louis POV(about time)

As it's getting later and later I'm getting more and more scared that he's not coming. After I called Niall in, I went in the room me and Liam share. I haven't left it since.


Well Andrew did it again. Just me this time. Liam's in our room crying, and I'm just lying on the floor. I'm trying to prevent myself from having another panic attack.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I let my mind wander to Harry. I thought of everything we've been through. I laughed a bit when the thought of us hating each other popped up.

"What are you looking at Styles!" He smirked.

"Obviously not much."

"How original." I glared at him. After a couple minutes of punching each other and screaming at each other. His fag friend Niall pulled him off.

Wow. That was like the worst fight ever. The only way you could tell it was actually a fight, was because of the punching. What the fuck were we even saying to each other? Jesus.

I smiled a bit at the auditorium memory.

"Why are you here?" Harry said suspiciously.

"I was here with the directioners, they left. What are you doing here?" I replied.

"I have my reasons." He said nonchalantly. "So you guys were singing? I've never heard you sing. Do you suck like the rest of them?" He smirked.

"Yeah I'm a terrible singer they say I'm the best, but I'm actually the worst." I shrugged. I expected him to laugh, what I didn't expect was this.

"Prove it." He smiled.

"What?" I had stage fright I just-couldn't. I was fine in front of my friends(directioners) but no one else!Not even my parents.

"Show me how terrible you are." He said simply.

"I-I..." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I can't I have stage fright!" I quickly added.

"Stage fright huh? Too bad." He continued. "You sing in front of them everyday, why not me?" I could tell he was confused.

"I can't even sing to my parents. Besides my voice sucks."

"I don't care please!" He was desperate now.

"Fine." I hate him.

I chuckled. Then I sang for him. I actually sang for him. I must have really "hated" him if I sang for him. The memory after that popped in head.

"You are an amazing singer." He said in disbelief.

"No I'm terrible." He frowned at my insecurities.

"Don't say that you're perfect." He said lovingly. His eyes were staring into mine, I realized how close we were and took a step back.

"Me, perfect ha that's funny Styles what else ya got?" I chuckled. He just started me up and down, then back into my eyes. He said nothing but took a step closer.

"H-Harry?" He grabbed my collar and pulled himself closer to my ear. He whispered.

"Like I said your perfect, I hope you know that." I felt this little spark as his lips gently touched mine.

"I love you Louis, you're so perfect." That was the last thing he lovingly whispered in my ear before disappearing, off to his house.

I smiled big. A couple tears were threatening to fall. He said he loved me. Somewhere deep down when he said it, I knew I did too.

I got up and limped to mine and Liam's room. Every step I took hurt more, but I was too happy to care about any of that.

I knocked on the door. Liam opened it and pulled my inside the room with a hug. He then pointed towards my clothes wiping his tears away.

"Why are you smiling so much?" I finished getting dressed and laid down next to him.

"I was thinking about the first time me and Harry kissed." I smiled more. He pretended to gag, even though he was smiling as well.

"Well I'm glad you found something to be happy about in this hell." He sadly chuckled.

"Yeah, me too."

Harry's POV

I pulled out of the driveway. I turned on the radio hoping that it would help me calm down some how. I was wrong.

Don't let me go was playing.

Tears started falling a bit as the song started up. I actually liked this song a lot. But this song playing right now, literally made everything worse. But I couldn't find myself turning it off.

Instead I turned it up and began singing along with the song. I hummed to the first part, not knowing it. The entire time I was humming my mind was on Louis.

'I saw in a corner,

There was a photograph,

No doubt in my mind,

Its a picture of you'

Louis popped up in my mind. I smiled. All I saw in my mind was Louis smiling back at me, and doing those little hand gestures he does when he talks. I always admired that about Lou. Whenever he talks he does these little hand gestures, like they'll help explain what hes saying better. I began to sing along to the chours.

'Don't let me,

Don't let me,

Don't let me go,

Cause i'm tired of feeling alone.'

It was true, after all me and Louis have been through, it seems like he's always letting go of me. I'm just praying that he'll hold onto me this time. Truth is I am in fact tired of feeling alone.

'Don't let me

Don't let me go

Cause im tired of feeling alone.'

I went back to humming because well, i only knew the chours for this song. Don't lie though, we all ussauly only know the chours to songs.(Not true if it's One Direction ^.^) I kept on thinking of Louis. I looked to see where I was, good news was all I had to do was get on and off of the express way and then i'd be a minute away to Andrews house. I turned onto the express way, and lookeed down to turn up the music.

When I looked up it was too late, because a truck had swerved into my lane and hit my car. The last thing I heard was..

'Don't let me go.'

Ok, soooo Drag me Down or.. Raise me up. Ycychpbggkixfnufbpji.
That is all. Talk amongst yourselves about the song Drag me to Hell:).

Btw if you don't get the Raise me up part go read LouisSlaysTomlinson The thoughts of a Larry shipper/Directioner 2. Ps; it was totally Lilo.

Bye loves!Xx

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