Adalina the Ass-alina

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I forgot about her instantly. Although she was annoying, she wasn't bad enough to stick out from other annoying fans.

"We're going back to the hotel, bro, you coming or do you want to sleep here?" Ashton deadpans.

"In a minute, I have to take a shit," I reply, knowing that will gross him out enough to leave me alone.

"Whatever, dude, just fuckin hurry."

I spring up, and make my way to the toilets once again. When I hear tiny sobs coming from one of the stalls, I freeze. Did another fan really follow me to the bathroom?

When I hear the toilet flush, I know that I have to prepare myself for an ambush. Zipping up my pants, I act natural by washing my hands and singing "Happy Birthday" at least 10 times.

When that girl comes out, my heart sinks. I can see something is wrong, not in her face... But on her. On her pants.

"Oh, for fucks sake!" She yells, throwing the CD I had autographed at the wall, causing it to crack.

"Are you alright?" I ask, drying my hands and looking at her forehead to make her think I cared.

What? Listen, I talk to so many girls a day, a week, a month. I can't care about all of their problems, that would drive me nuts. I'm like a doctor, I know how to be cold and calculated yet pretend to care.

"Thanks, douchebag, but you don't care," she snorts.

"Maybe if you weren't such an asshole all of the time I would," I retort.

"You've met me twice," she snaps, "you don't know what I'm like 99 percent of the time."

I change the subject to avoid admitting that she is, in fact, correct, "Why are you in the men's toilets, anyways?"

"Listen, bud, when nature calls..."

"I get it, I get it, say no more," I yell, covering my ears. I, Lucas Robert Hemmings, cannot stand talking about anything that happens in the toilets.

"That's what I thought. Now if you'll excuse me..." She says, making her way towards the door. The brown stain on her dark blue jeans is painful.

"I can get you new jeans," I call after her, mentally smacking myself upside the head. Why am I helping mega-bitch?

Her face softens, and I can see the tears return to her eyes for only a moment.

"Um... No thanks. I don't want to be a bother."

"It's not bother. We have tons of clothes in the dressing room. I'm sure we can make something fit you."

"If you're sure that it's not that bad, then I guess it couldn't hurt..." She whispers, all of the contempt gone from her voice.

"Of course. And I'll get you a new CD as well," I smile, happy that for once, I am the bigger person in the situation.

Then, as if she's trying to make sure I don't hear, she murmurs, "Thank you, Luke."

I remember that I've forgotten something hugely important.

"What's your name again?"

"Great song," she smirks.

"Seriously, though," I laugh, amazed she got that reference.

"I'm Adalina the Ass-alina," she says, and I can hear the smile on her voice even though I'm inspecting the tile.

"Adalina the Ass-alina, you may as well be a superhero," I reply, finally gaining the courage to look at her pink lips finally curved up into a smile.

Sorry if this sucks, but PLEASE let me know if you like this so I'll continue because I honestly don't know right now. You letting me know would be a huge help, so thank you in advanced!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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