He filled up my beer and I headed over to the dance floor, where Jack was now passed out on. Leave it to Jack, that man does amazing things drunk.

"Hey, Tony" a British accent said, "how are you holding up?"

"I'm doing good, Oli. How are you and the misses?"

"Couldn't be happier" Hannah replied, grinning up at Oli. Fuck, they were so cute together. I wonder if people every thought that about Erin and I.

"Well, we're heading out, we just wanted to say hey and see how you are, see ya later, Tone" he said embracing me in a hug.

"Goodbye, Tony. Stay strong, we love you" Hannah said while hugging me.

"I love you guys too, see ya"

They walked hand in hand out to their car and took off. I walked over and joined the guys in dancing to Sugar We're Going Down. I had to admit, this was the most fun I'd had in months.

I glanced around and saw Alan sitting on Austin's lap, those two are inseparable, it's pretty cute. Jaime grabbed my arm and we started dancing to Yellow Submarine. After a few more fast songs, Three Cheers for Five Years came on and Jaime pulled me close to him.

"Are you having fun?"

I smiled at him, "Yeah, I'm having a great time, Hime."

I looked at the corner booth and saw Jack and Alex making out and I smiled.

"Don't lose your smile, kid" Jaime said.

I felt myself blush and I smiled a little bit more.

The song ended and we left the dance floor for some more drinks. We sat next to the booth Jack and Alex were in and Jaime leaned over and said, "Do you guys ever stop for air?"

"Hey now," Jack said slapping Alex's ass, "I can breathe just fine, but we should go home and get a room, babe."

"Alright, Jack. See you guys later!" Alex said walking out the door with wasted Jack leaning on him.

"We're heading out too, guys, see ya" Austin said. We hugged him and Alan and waved them goodbye.

Jaime and I sat down in the corner booth and order two more drinks each. At this point I was getting really drunk but I was having a lot of fun.

"How are you and Jessica?"

"Well, not good, she left. She said she wants to explore the world, she's in Australia. She wanted to travel before she settled down but I doubt she'll come back."

I got up and sat next to him, "Shit, Hime, I'm sorry."

"Oh well, life goes on."

"Yeah, it just takes a while. I've been missing Erin a lot, I know she'd want me to move on at some point but I don't feel like I will."

"You'll get there, Tone, it'll all come together at the right time."

"You're right, thanks."

Jaime's POV

"I'm pretty smart sometimes you know" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, you are" he said with a small smile.

He had the cutest smile. And eyes. Wow, he has really pretty eyes.

"Do you think she wants me to move on now? It's been like five months." he lowered his head. I hated it when he had big, sad, puppy eyes.

I thought about it. "Well, I don't know, she'd want you to be ready, Tone."

"Yeah, probably, that sounds good." he looked away so I wouldn't see him cry.

"Tony, don't cry, it's okay."

I grabbed his head with both of my hands and pulled him close to me. I looked in his big, beautiful eyes and he looked into mine. I wiped some tears away with my thumb. I brought him closer, pressing my lips against his. He didn't pull away, he continued the kiss. It felt like a blissful eternity, until we pulled away from each other. I stared into his eyes hoping he'd read me. He smiled faintly and rested his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes.

"Jaime, I-"

"I'm sorry, I had to find out-"

"Shut up and kiss me."

I smiled slightly and kissed him. They were sweet and simple, nothing over the top. It was just perfect. After a while I pulled away and rest my forehead on his, "Let's go home" I whispered.

We got up, waved goodbye to Frank and Gerard and walked to his car hand in hand. We got all settled and left to go home. It was around two in the morning, I had to admit I was tired. Tony rolled over and went to sleep.

I rubbed his back, "Sleep tight, turtle."

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