"My Daughter"

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India Pov

Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK fucking August here okay maybe he don't notice me it was three years ago yea I'm fine.

Hey don't I know y he asked

Umm know total strangers .
When I lie I say dumb shit and sat ummm but he don't know that

Oh alright will your daughter is cute lexis came up to me and his behind my leg.

Yea I know come on badge it's alright I picked her up ahe sat down in a chair

Lexis ran up to him and whispered something August shook his head yes and then she showed him her birth mark on her hand it looked like a star almost August eyes got big ge whispered something yo her and she said yes he showed her his hand

Mowwey he got same mark

He does baby


That's awesome

She ran away and Seen August staring at me

Why r u staring

Can we talk

Umm sure

We walked to a room and i sat down

How old is she

3 I said nonchalant

Who's her dad

Fuck I froze I didn't say anything I just walked away FUCK he wasn't supposed to remember me tf uhh

LexIs come on let's go mommy tired

LexIs ran in the living room come I picked her up i got get Stapped in and got in

I'd she my daughter August yelled

I shook my head yes and took tf off uhh I swear that little girl the only thing keep me motivated.

August Pov

Fuck I let her drive of I can't believe I got a daughter that little girl look Just like me damn i got to find her

Mel what hotel India in

Umm embassy y

Nothing ummm bye I ran out the door I was at the embassy I asked the girl at the desk

U hmm can I have the room number of India westbrooks

Yes if I can have your number she said while twirling her hair


ummm shit room 314

I ran to the elevator got on the third floor when the elevator ride was over I ran to room 314

India Pov

I was getting dressed for bed when somebody started banging on the door. ......

I oPened it there stood August he picked me up and kissed me we had a full blown make out session until I came to senses

What dafuq am I doing tf u doing

I came to see lexis ........ and u

What do u want I mean u could have called but no I was just a one night stand gone wrong right u don't get to come in Me and MY daughter's life and fuck us up cause at the end of the day August she's MINE u weren't there those years I spentWyeth her were u there for the first steps our the first time she spoke were u there when my daughter almost died because she was a premi 4 fucking months to be exact I had MY FUCKING DAUGHTER at 5 Months and no one was there I signed the birth certificate by myself your BITCH ASS was no where to be found do no u can leave . By this time I was in tears

Look Indi-

No leave before u wake up my daughter

India she's mine too u have to realize that

No she's Mine August u have to realize that itv takes 2 but really I was the only 1 (if u don't get It I'm saying that it's take two top make a child but there was only one person that was there to raise the child) ok so please leave ummm get my number and u can call If u want to officially meet her and I'm saying this if u really don't want to bee in Alexis life then please tell me now because u won't be in and out u Fuck up once that's it I'm fucking done i don't play with me or MY daughter okay

Yes India but I would never hurt you or lexis

But u already have u made me feel like nothing but when I first laid eyes on that little girl in there she brought me back there was something I can live for so please just call me later I'm very tired

Ok India and ummm India

Yes August

U still Fine af

Goodbye August

Then he left uhhh Jesus this Nigga back in my Life we Gone pray

August back

Alexis premi ?

India already tired of August?

Mel Bae ?

A day with August?

Hey y'all excuse all the mistakes uhhh love peace and chicken grease

Love y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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