Chapter One

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I was running. Running away from scary men. Running for my life. I quickly turned back as I kept running to see the men still chasing me. Trees flew past me and sweat trickled down my face. I tried to speed up but my lungs were failing. They hurt immensely that I could feel like I was going to collapse then and there. But I had to keep going. Who knows what they'll do if they catch me.

The air was cold and the sky was dark. Snow fell down from the sky pelting me in the face. Thunder rumbled as more snow fell. The frosty atmosphere was raging a war with my lungs making it harder to breathe. I huffed and puffed as I ran from the bad men. The chilliness in the air made my head hurt. My sight was blurring and dark spots flashed through my vision.

I ran through the snowy grounds hoping to lose them. Not paying attention, I ran into a tree and then slipped and crashed to the ground. I could hear heavy footsteps behind me. Oh no. I'm going to die.

I had no energy to get up anymore. It felt like I was just dead weight.

"Well look who we have here," One of the men spoke in a nasally voice.

My vision blurred to the point where I couldn't visualize what their faces looked like anymore.

"Now what should we do with her," another man spoke with a cheeky grin I'd like to wipe off.

I could hear the sound of a zipper going down. My eyes flooded with water and I let out a strangled sob.

The man laughed and then grabbed me. I screamed and screamed for help. The shrill of my voice only encouraging his actions. This was not happening to me.

"No! No!" I screamed.

"Shut up!" Another man growled as he slapped my face.

My cheek burned with pain as the sound of a slap echoed through the clearing. Tears steamed down my face as I thrashed around and waved my arms everywhere. I kicked at random places to try and get them away from me. More hands grabbed me as the men contained my arms and legs. One man pulled my shirt up and I prayed they wouldn't do anything. I was so scared. I felt helpless.

A police siren was heard in the distance alarming the men. "Shit!" A voice rang into the clearing.

All of a sudden, there were no hands on me and I could hear the faint sounds of frantic footsteps moving away from me. My chest heaved up and down as my body was racked with sobs.

I laid on the cold ground alone, and petrified. Snow continued to fall from the sky. Icy winds blew and flutters of snow danced before me. Before I knew it, a pile of snow had made their home on my chest.

I tried to move to bring the flow of blood back to my limbs. I sought out my torn shirt and presumed to try and shove it over my head. My fingers began to numb and in the end, I gave up. I wiped the tears from my eyes to try and see better. But the snow was still raging down ferociously. My hands were turning blue and my brown hair was soaked with water. I felt so dizzy.

I shivered as my clothes started to become wet as well. I had no energy to move anymore so I laid on the ground hoping someone would find me.

I tried to say something. Yell out help. But every time I tried, a hoarse, wheezing sound would make its way out of my chapped, frost bitten lips. No one was coming. I couldn't stop shivering. I gave up hope.

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