You Never Expect The Unexpected

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Chace did say if I tell anyone he will kill me but if they find out themselves he has not right to kill me. How clever, Selena! If Logan opens this fucking door, I will be free and Chace will probably be sent to prison for attempted sexual assault. I feel the hope rising inside me, causing me to take a deep breath in, waiting for the moment. Continuing to listen in to the vague conversation, I stumble back as I feel pressure on the door. My eyes widen whilst my body stiffens. A sens of relief and desperation grows inside me, as I take a step back, gratefully allowing the door to be opened. My front two teeth force themselves onto my bottom lip, as I observe the handle rattling.

I stand here, feeling hopeless but hopeful, like a bird about to be let out of its cage. Let out of the prison I was placed in a few minutes ago, to fly into the wilderness and to live life for the next days in an adventure. This trip can be the one and only source of fun I will have other than hooking up with guys; I don't deserve to be that rabbit hiding from that fox and his threats. My poetic thoughts abruptly come to a halt, as I realise that the handle is no longer rattling and instead of the creak the door is meant to produce when opened, a too familiar shriek pierces itself through my poor fragile ear. This could only mean... Taylor.


Logan's P.O.V

Before I even had the chance to open the door by a millimetre, my investigation was interrupted by a very recognisable voice. Oops. I'm dead meat. 

Filled with regret, I turn my head, only to face a blonde with hair all over the place and fists tightly clenched, looking ready to attack. Although her eyes are only half open and her eyelids are clearly weighing them down, her aqua orbs are filled with such fury and anger and prepared to drag me to the centre of hell. I warn you, an innocent friendly individual you may find her when you come to first meet her - just pray that day will never arrive - there is whole different side. When someone makes me wait I can tell you I am a very frightening monster and at the same time if you are the cause to waking Taylor up, sorry but you will never live to see another day. Guess Sherlock has to run! 

Before I can sprint through the narrow corridor and hide behind the couch crying for my mummy - I know, seriously lame for a 'bad boy' - she roughly grabs my hand and glares with her teeth grinding into one another. 

"Um, hey?" I awkwardly wave at her, desperately looking back plotting an escape route. 

"Where do you think you're going? We have a bit of talking to do" she hisses with her nails marking clear dents in my skin. What kind of cousin does this? 

"Sorry, I was looking for Chace, I couldn't find him, so I... so I called out for him and that must have woken you up. Sorry Taylor... I didn't mean to," I helplessly waffle, only receiving an uncomfortable stare. What's seriously happened to bad boy? 

"Called out? Called out? You mean yelled out!" she exclaims causing me to stumble backwards like a coward. 

"I said sorry. Please don't do anything to me, I'm too young to die" I plead hands cupped in front of me. God, what's happening to me? I hear Chace quietly chuckle so I turn around sending him a glare. That shut him up. I turn back to view the Taylor monster. 

"Okay. If you don't want to die, there is something you have to do" Taylor justifies, with a devious smirk on her face; a smirk that never meant good. 

"Um what?" I ask, gulping awaiting something hideous. 

"Okay...ummm" she thinks, stroking her chin. " Okay, you have to kiss the first person you see when you step out of this cabin" 

Before I could ask anything, she stops me by waving her index finger around. 

"Man or woman." Again, before I could argue she presses her finger to her lip as I sign to not talk. 

Beneath Your Beautiful {A Lolena Story}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang