So, Let's Get Packing...

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Selena's P.O.V

"Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they are not shining,

Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying..."

Groaning with exhaustion, I lift my weak arm up reaching for my phone beside me. With great endeavour I peek under my heavy eyelids to find that on the clock it read 7:30.

What kind of idiot calls at that time?!!

Now moaning with frustration, without bothering to look at the caller's ID I answer the phone.

"Hey, who is it?" I slur, almost like I was drunk. Scratching my head, I try to keep my eyes open. Before I could receive a respond the phone slips out of my currently feeble hand and rolls of the bed. Slapping my forehead, I lay flat on the bed to reach for the phone which was lying on the ground. Since I couldn't feel it beneath my fingertips I look up only to see that moron smirking, with his phone in one hand and mine in the other.

Wow, such a surprise that he was the idiot that called me this morning.

"Well, top of the morning to ya" he greeted with a ridiculous British accent, tossing my phone around in his hand

Snatching the phone from him along with an evil glare, I stick my middle finger up at him before lifting myself off the bed.

"Isn't that mean?" he tuts whilst shaking his head. However, before I could reach the door, he came over and nailed me against it.

"Where do you think you you're going, missy?" he teased, a start to his torture.

"I don't need to tell you and how many times have you nailed me to wall like this, it's getting really old" I replied rolling my eyes.

"Well, not for me babe" he said placing his right hand on my waist. His oceanic orbs pierced made my knees go weak but I regained my posture quickly before he noticed the effect his eyes had on me. That will only boost his ego and that is the last thing that should happen in this world.

"Stop calling me babe and get out my way" I spit at him.

Just then, his warm soft lips began to kiss my neck and I couldn't hold in any longer. Without any intention to do so, due to lust, my hand began to travel their way through his hair as a moan escaped from my throat. What am I doing? But I couldn't control myself.

His kissed seemed to lower every deep breath I took. Soon, he was fingering the sleeves of my tank top, forcing them to come down. Although, mentally I wanted to push him off right now, I was unable to do that physically.

"Aaah. Oh Logan....stop it" I moan repeatedly, titling my head backwards with my eyes closed.

"Never" he whispered through the kisses now being planted just above my chest.

But I never guessed that the 'never' will actually erase itself so quickly because just then we heard footstep causing us to separate. Quickly, we turned our heads towards the door where Taylor stood. Thank god she didn't see us but she has the knowing look on her face, the one which clearly states 'I know what you're doing Sel'

Raising her eyebrows, she sent me a signal which seemed like she was pulling her top up. Confused, I look down, only to see, my tank top's sleeves hanging off of me and the neckline of the top on the rim of my bra. Glaring at Logan, who was currently smirking, I hastily pulled both the straps on and pulled the tank top all the way to where it was supposed to be.

"Oh what are... do you want to come and eat breakfast? Chace is already there." she stammered  

Embarrassed, I look down but could clearly see from the corner of my eye that the idiot was still smirking. Was he seriously finding this funny?

Once, poor Taylor, who was probably scarred for life; knowing that her cousin and best friend were formerly making out, left the room, I felt Logan lean in to whisper.

"I know you liked it" he teased.

"Well, maybe I was just caught up in the moment. And maybe you don't listen when I clearly say stop. And, well maybe I just haven't had sex for a long time"

Before he could respond to what I had said, I rapidly stepped on his foot -hard- and walked out of the room, or ran to be precise. From the distance, I hear him groan in pain causing me to grin. Well, he deserves that. 

Suddenly, a video of the make-out session played in my head. I'm such an idiot! If Taylor hadn't walked in, I probably would have been having sex right now which results in breaking the promise I made stating the fact clearly that I would never sleep with him ever again. Well, thank you to Taylor and breakfast.


Logan's P.O.V

Man, that chick is strong. I used the wall to balance myself as I hopped around holding my injured foot. She was so going to get it.

I thought about the near sex scene. Well, that raised the temperature. She makes it so obvious that she wants me with the 'Aaah' and 'Oh Logan stop it'. But I knew it is easier said than done when trying to make her admit it. When I was around her, I have this different feeling, something I never have with other girls. A horrible four letter crosses my mind. No, it can't be. Never. I can't be falling in love with her. That's just nonsense.

Shaking my head, at my own idiocy, I make my way to the kitchen where Chace, Taylor and Selena were sitting at the countertop. Chace raises his hand at me as a greeting.

"Hey, man" he casually says as if nothing had happened last night. I glare at him for a millisecond before returning a fake smile and a friendly smack on his back which may have been a little hard due to the anger stored inside.

"Ow, man" he groans holding his back. Muttering an apology I glance at Selena. Our eyes lock for a second, which only makes her look down with clear rouge tinting her cheeks. 1 point to Logan!

I was probably 4 more points away from Selena pouncing on me herself.

"Hey, I've planned everything and you know we were planning to go on a 3 day trip." Chace says interrupting the little victory dance I was having from the inside.

I tilted my head to a side with a questioning look. Where was he going with this?

"The 5 day trip is on special offer, so if we want to return by Sunday we have to go tomorrow. We've talked already about it; we just need your decision. Do you want to go tomorrow or go on the 3 day trip?"

I give him a pointed look before looking at Selena who was currently banging her head on the head, hinting me that she had already heard the news and somehow Taylor and forced her into it. Selena, looked up at me then gave me adorable puppy dog eyes, her chocolate orbs glinting with sorrow. Well, it was nice to mess with her.

"Sure, sounds great. So, let's get packing," I announced, winking at Selena.

Continuing to wear the puppy dog eyes which were now accompanied with a pout she moaned.

"Aaaw, you're so mean"

Shrugging at her, make my way to my room. On the way, I thought about Chace and I didn't know what he was planning. Just then, like he read my mind, he appeared beside me draping his arm over my shoulders.

After a deep sigh he began, "Logan, forget about yesterday, it was a mistake; a stupid one. I was just caught up in the moment. I wanted to make it up to so that's why I asked to extend the days of the trip so you have more time to get her, I know you will, man"

Grinning, I thank him before continuing to make way to my room. Half of me wanted to believe him but the other half couldn't forgive him for what he had done. For now, I will have to accept him and forget about everything that happened. All I'm going to think about is how I can get Selena to finally accept the fact that she wants me. Can't wait!


A/N: Doesn't Selena look cute on the picture beside ----------->

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Do you think Chace is still up to something?

What do you think will happen on the trip?

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