Chapter 3

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So yea I updated again. I don't think it's the best, but I'll let you guys be the judge of that~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LINE BREAKER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Still Dawn's POV...

I went back to my room with Paul's dinner only to find out that Paul has left. I had a good guess of where he went though and after putting his food on a table I headed to the emergency room, where Torterra was.

Third Person's POV

Dawn ran down the hall and silently entered the room Torterra was being held. She saw Paul sitting in front of Torterra, gently rubbing his head. She crept closer and sat next to Paul, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Paul, it'll be ok," Dawn replied, gently rubbing circles on his back. "Torterra is a strong Pokemon, he'll be healed in no time. No need to worry."

"When you say that it makes me even more worried." Paul replied. Dawn laughed lightly saying that's something her mother would say as well, something similar to that. Paul continued to rub Torterra's head and Dawn watched silently. She saw something fall on Torterra's head, which caused the large turtle Pokemon to stir. Torterra slowly opened his eyes at looked at his master. The scene caused Torterra to be shocked. There was Paul with tears in his eyes falling on his head. Why is my master crying? Torterra licked the tears, which caused Paul to look at him.

"Torterra," Paul said, with more tears forming. I wish Dawn wasn't hear right now, seeing me cry. But Torterra's up, I think I'll be fine if it was only her watching.

"I am so sorry for what happened to you. It was all my fault, if I paid more attention to your injuries and your needs instead of being selfish this wouldn't have happened." Torterra continued to lick his masters tears away.

"It was my fault you got injured, it was my fault for causing you so much pain. I am the worst trainer ever." Torterra shook his head as if saying that it was not true, but Paul was oblivious and continued to rant on how it was his fault for hurting Torterra. Dawn wrapped her arms around Paul shoulders.

"Paul, don't worry. Torterra knows you didn't mean to do this. Torterra is strong he believes in you, you should believe in him as well."

Paul took a deep breath to control himself, "You right Dawn." He looked at Torterra. "Torterra if you heal, no, when you heal, I'm going to give you to Ash. He will be a much better trainer than I am." Torterra shook his head and yelled at Paul.

"TORTERRA!!!" He then fainted from the pain. The nurses quickly rushed Paul out of the room as Dawn followed.

"What did I do?"

"Paul, you idiot. Don't tell Torterra you are going to give him away. You may have been harsh before but Torterra knows you never meant for this to happen. He believes in you Paul. He trusts you and cares about you. Do you think that just because you're not Ash means he doesn't want to stay with you? Paul, Torterra is your first Pokemon and you both have a strong bond, with all you Pokemon in fact. Can you please believe that they trust you?" Dawn was frustrated with what Paul told Torterra. She wanted him to know that many trainers are different and that Ash isn't any better.


"Don't "but" me Paul. Torterra cares for you and if you give him away do you think he will stay with Ash? No, he will follow you until you take him back no matter what you say to him." Paul didn't know what to say. He was shocked that Dawn would defend him, no matter how much trouble he caused her and he was happy that Torterra still wanted him as his trainer. Just then Brock arrived, hearing all the chaos. Dawn explained what happened and Brock nodded in agreement.

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