"Yeah," I tried to laugh. The situation was probably only tense for me. "But it was nice. You and Len got into that whole debate today...I was kind of worried, honestly."

"Worried?" He looked at me questioningly and I looked away. There was a distinct sparkle in his eyes that kept captivating me.

"Y-Yeah, like..." I tugged at one of my hair ties, "I didn't want something to happen. I didn't want the club to break up, I mean...we're all friends, right? I like that."

"Oh," he smiled at me and I felt my face heat up slightly. His smile was so sweet, or maybe it was just me.

Probably just me.

"We'd never do that," he said, running a hand through his long locks. "This club is full of people who are special to me, you know."

"Special," I mumbled. Gakupo was special to me...but he didn't know that, of course. It was my little secret. "Are you waiting for your parents?"

"Nah, I'm walking," he said, "but it was nice talking to you. I feel like we don't talk enough..."

"Mhmm, I feel that way too!"

Gakupo laughed. I covered my mouth with both hands.

"Well, let's make a note of it, then," he grinned. I wasn't sure if he was oblivious or what. "We need to talk more!"

"Y-Yes sir!" I said. He nodded, still chuckling, before walking out and opening his umbrella.

"Later!" He called, waving and then walking away. I watched as he walked further and further away, mingling with the fog and rain like he was a part of it, him and his umbrella. It would be a while before my parents showed up. I had a lot of time to think about things, and about Gakupo.

I decided to let all my feelings out that night. He was obviously not going to realize anytime soon that I wanted to talk to him a lot more. And I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of him. He probably thought of me as his quirky friend from the club or something. It was probably best to take things slowly. First, however, I had to empty out myself.

The idea was just something I used to do every now and then. I didn't exactly write for fun, all the time, but every so often I'd write down my feelings on little bits of paper. It definitely got my feelings "out," writing them down like that, and I found that if I read these every time I felt the emotions, they'd help me calm down a bit more.

So that was it. That was the plan. That night, after finishing my homework and helping my mom with the dishes, I headed upstairs and pulled a notebook out of my bag. As I was doing so, I saw the book I had to read for the club.

My bookmark was jutting out, a mere fifty pages into the volume...and it was a pretty hefty book, too. Maybe writing out my feelings would have to wait. I had to finish the book soon. Meetings were twice a week, two days in a row. After school one day and at lunch the next. Books switched every two weeks.

I frowned and pulled out my planner. Started to flip through until I got to this month and when our last book switch happened.

Nearly two weeks ago. I paled. Tomorrow's meeting. That was when we'd switch books again.

And I had only started. How could I have forgotten? Tomorrow, I'd have to talk about the book.

"Well, I only read the first fifty pages."

"Was it that bad?"

"Well, no, I...I sort of forgot."

That wouldn't be very responsible of me.

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