chapter 2

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Viera was in her room. She felt something like fear and excitement. She knew that everything depended on her, that this time she would do things different. She quickly got out of bed, she reached out to grab her light saber and put it on her belt. Ran her fingers through her hair to detangle it and quickly got out of her room.

Viera saw her master , Kit-Fisto.She took a step toward him but before she could say anything , he was already lecturing her  "you should have been training three hours ago , not sleeping" he said while Viera nodded "a jedi must be serious on his training"

"Yes master" Viera said while they walked through the hall "it won't happen again" the jedi halls were full of jedi knights and padawans. After order 66 most of them were killed , Viera felt relieved to see them again.

"The council wants to speak with you" Kit explained " I suppose they'll give you a mission"

They stopped in front of the door to the council chamber. Viera felt nervous, on the last time the council didn't give her a mission , but this time it would be different. She remembered what Qui-gon told her –many things will be different so that you can change it easily- maybe this was change by the force to help her.

"Viera , please don't be disrespectful" Kit said more begging than asking.

"I won't" Viera replied with a smile. Both jedis entered the chamber, they walked until they were on the center.

 "Masters" both said at the same time while they did a reverence. The council chambers were exactly the same as the last time Viera was there, the only difference was that all the twelve masters were there.

"Padawan Morlev , we have a new mission for you" Mace Windu said.

"Go with padawan Skywalker you will" Yoda said patiently. Viera nodded.

Viera had never been on a mission with Anakin , he didn't know who she is.

"Protect the senator Amidala will be your mission" Mace said looking to all jedis on the chamber.

"Yes, master" she replied. She knew that Anakin loved senator Amidala , she was fine with it but she wasn't a fanatic of the idea of getting along with a politic. She didn't like them, they always promise thousands of things and never fulfill.


The elevator doors oppened up showing two jedis , master Obi-Wan and Anakin. Viera started replaying this moment on her head. She was leaning against a blue wall observing the two men. She could felt felt Aakin's nervousness a kilometer away and she knew it was because of Padme.

-This is will be funny-She tought

As she remembered , Jar Jar was the first one to greet them "Obi? Obi! Mesa so happy to see you" Jar Jar greeted Obi while shaking his hand.

"Hello jar jar" Obi wan replied , Jar Jar released his hand to greet Anakin. Viera had arrived two days ago , so she had already talked to the senator. She noticed Anakin had a fake smile.

"Senator padme" shouted Jar Jar enthusiastically "lookie , lookie , jedi arriving"

Padme was wearing a blue dress with her hair pulled out on an eleant hairstyle , she  walked across the living room with a smile on her face.

"It's a great pleasure to see you again m'lady" Obi Wan said shaking Padme's hand.

"It has been far too long , master Kenobi" Padme replied realizing Obi Wan's hand.

Viera walked to approach them , she notice Anakin was looking at her. He wondered who she was and there was something on her that make him feel nervous , more than he already was.

"Hello , master Obi-wan" Viera greeted him with a smile. She knew how strong his bond was with Anakin.

"Nice to meet you , padawan Morlev" Obi Wan replied "your master always talks about you , Anakin" Obi-Wan called "this is Viera Morlev , master Fisto apprentice. We will be working with her"

It was strange for Viera to be there when she knew what would happen and how they felt.

"Uh...hi" Anakin said with half a smile. He looked confused.

"Hi" Viera replied , she didn't knew what to say it was so akward.

They followed padme and Jar Jar to the couches. Viera knew how Anakin could be at some moments , just as her.

"Thank you for coming , the senator doesn't believe she needs extra security" captain Typho said.

"I don't want security. I want answers"Padme explained.

"Our mandate is to protect you senator , we are not here to start a search" Obi-Wan said calmly.

"We will try to find who is trying to kill you, Padme. I promise you." Anakin said on a soft tone.

"We will not exceed our mandate my young padawan learner" Obi-wan said.

Before Anakin replied Viera found herself talking.

"Anakin , perhaps with our presence the one that's behind all this will be revealed. If we search for him Padme would be put on danger , I don't think that's good , right?" Viera said. Anakin  looked at her with hate but she didn't care about it.

"Viera is right , Anakin" Obi-Wan said "you have a lot to learn my young apprentice".

"Thank you , master Kenobi. Now if you'll excuse me. I will retire." Padme said standing out to make her way to her bedroom.

Master Obi-Wan followed typho to go and check the cameras  , leaving Anakin and Viera alone. "sorry" Anakin told her. She was looking at the city towards a window.

"For what?" Viera asked. She already had changed something and that made her feel insecure of what to do.

"My attitude" Anakin said playing with his light saber.

"Oh come on , it's not like it never happens to me" Viera said tunring to him  "actually , it happens a lot to me"

"Your master always says so" Anakin replied with a smile.

"He does? Awesome I'll be remembered because of complaining" she said walking to the coach.

"Guys , it seems that Padme doesn't want to be stalked" obi-wan said walking to them "she covered the cameras"

"I know everything that happens on that room , master" Anakin said proud.

"Hey , do you feel...?" Viera said asked doubt. Something was going on that room. The three jedis started to run. Viera knew what to do and she was sure it would take everyone by surprise..

I hope you liked it , i'll update soon!

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