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Eight Years Later

Cas woke up the kids on Dean's birthday at 6:00. They rushed to the kitchen making sure they were deadly silent. Both him and Dean were so proud of their two daughters, Charlie and Claire, and they both wanted to surprise their father. With Cas' help they prepped breakfast with presents and decorations. "Girls, it's time to wake up Dean!" he whispered, and they snickered. Running into Cas and Dean's bedroom, they found Dean still asleep. So they did the smart thing. They jumped on the bed to get him up.


Dean groaned, but the girls just giggled and kept going. Cas laughed from the doorway, that caught Dean's attention. So Cas had put them up to it, well then. He'd get him back later, for now he decided to get up so as to not be crushed by the four and six year old jumping almost on top of him. He rolled over and grabbed at one of them. Charlie landed on him and he groaned then laughed. Her bright red hair was covering his face and he could hear Claire's constant giggles that never seemed to stop. He sat up brushing red out of his face and found both girls sitting up also, giving him that look.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!!" they yelled together, and tackled him in a hug. Cas' laugh came once again, and Dean pushed the girls off him. "Girls, go and get your surprise ready." Cas told them and they bolted out of the room. "You could have done that sooner." he groaned. "Yes, I could have...but I didn't." Dean chuckled and pulled Cas onto the bed, bringing him into a kiss. "Come on guys!" Charlie called from the kitchen. They both got up and Cas led Dean to where the girls waited impatiently. They had decked out the whole room with streamers, balloons, and other stuff they had found. They girls sat in the middle of the room on the couch, each one holding a gift for Dean.

After presents, they sat down for a delicious breakfast of homemade pancakes with several toppings. Syrup, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, strawberries and sprinkles didn't cover half of them all. They all sat and talked, and when they were done they all had whipped cream covering their mouths and a delicious taste in their mouths. Charlie declared it was the best birthday morning ever, she was seven and little Claire was four. All of them laughed when Claire managed to get syrup in her long blonde hair. Charlie took after Dean, she was protective of her younger sister. She offered to get Claire cleaned up while Dean and Cas cleaned up the leftovers. They nodded to her and she led a giggling Claire to the bathroom.

Dean sighed, watching them with a huge smile on his face. "Cas, thank you." he muttered with a smile. "It's just the beginning Dean." Cas replied with a grin. It was a Sunday, so neither of them had work and Charlie and Claire didn't have school. They spent the morning playing games and catching up on school work with the girls, Cas helping Charlie with her written piece and Dean playing with Clare. It ended with Dean wearing a crown and Charlie with a story worth an A. They ate a small lunch and then they went to the park. Similar to when Cas and Dean had went there a long time ago, they got into a huge snowball fight which had them all cold and wet. Arriving back home at three, they all welcomed the warmth of home and got changed into warm clothes. Dean thought it was the perfect birthday, except one thing was missing. "Cas...pie." "I've got you covered."

At dinner there it was. The birthday pie. It was mandated that instead of birthday cake they had birthday pie. The girls loved anything sweet, and even Cas had fallen in love with the delicious dessert. Dean fingered the small piece of amber he had worn around his neck for eight years, and Charlie gave him a look. "Why do you have that around your neck?" "It was a gift, it reminds me of a tough part of my life." He and Cas had agreed it was easier to not go into detail of what had happened a long time ago. But Charlie kept pressing, she could be annoying that way. "But...why? What happened?" Dean looked to Cas for help. "We met bad people and they hurt the both of us. This," Cas pointed to the amber, "is a reminder of a girl who helped us." 

"Who?" Before Dean could answer a loud clattering noise came from the back room and Luna and Meg fell out of the doorway. They jumped to their feet and looked at Dean and Cas. "Damn it! I told you!" Luna scolded Meg, and Dean and Cas both sucked in a breath. "Howdy boys!" Meg tried for a smile, but didn't succeed. "This might be tricky."

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