Chapter 10

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New Year's Eve

Cas was eager to see what exactly Dean's gift for him was. But he had sworn up and down he could only get it at New Year's Eve. So Cas had waited patiently, and in the meantime had found several new books and movies at the library. He and Dean would usually spend the night eating a small dinner and then Cas would pull out whatever he had found. They usually sat in silence while watching, and the best was when they would fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the night still on the couch.

Finally, tonight was New Year's Eve. Dean was clearly trying to suppress his excitement, but Cas didn't even bother. He was almost jumping up and down in the morning from the happiness he was feeling. When Dean woke up, Cas had already made him breakfast and was hurriedly setting up a few small decorations when Dean came in. "Good morning Dean." "Hey Cas, what's all of this?" "I made breakfast." Dean smiled and sat down across from Cas. "Is this about your gift?" Cas couldn't help but smile shyly. "You'll get it tonight, close to midnight." Cas sighed and began to eat his breakfast. "However, I do have some plans for us to keep you distracted during that time." Cas' eyes lit up and he grinned.

First Dean took him to the University campus and took him once again to the cafe, where Anna greeted them with a smile and their usual orders. They sat and chatted with Anna for a while, she would be finishing up in a few months and Dean claimed that it would never be the same without her. She laughed at that, and then was yelled at by her manager to get back to work. She shrugged and said a fond farewell to the boys. Dean relaxed for a little bit, Cas noticed he'd been on edge for a while, and then it was back into the impala to their next stop.

They carried on like this for the rest of the day, stopping at memorable places like where they'd gone on their first date (it had been a picnic in their favourite park) which inevitably led to a snowball fight because the snow was in the perfect condition. Finally they stopped by a huge lake, one place Cas didn't recognize. "What happened here?" "A new memory." Dean said with a smile, dragging Cas out of the car and down to a bench that looked out over the huge lake. Cas checked his watch; 11:58 pm. "What new memory?" Dean sighed and looked at the ground. "I...Cas, you are the best person I've ever known. I know I don't say I love you enough, or how much I need you. But I can't really hide it I guess there's no point holding this off anymore seeing as there's thirty seconds to midnight."

Cas watched as Dean fingered something in his pocket, but Dean surprised him more with his next sentence. "Castiel Novak.....will you marry me?" Cas felt the shock on his face. Dean pulled a small box out of his pocket and presented it to him. "Your gift." Dean said with a smile. Cas opened it to find a simple ring, but when he looked at it he saw it as perfection. "Yes." was all he could mutter. Then Dean's watch went off. "Happy New Year Castiel Novak." Fireworks went off across the lake and lit up the sky with several different colours and images made from fire. 

Cas smiled and looked into Dean's eyes, all the lights reflected in their emerald green. "Happy New Year Dean Winchester." They sat there for a moment until Dean pulled Cas towards him by his coat collar and kissed him. When they broke apart Cas smiled and put the ring on his finger. "This is the best Christmas present ever Dean." They both laughed and kissed once more before driving back to their apartment and falling asleep after a busy day.

Saving Dean (Destiel AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang