Chapter 4

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-Thanks for reading 💞

Addison felt her legs tangled around a body, she looked around disorientated, she took her own bedroom in and then finally looked aside to whom was laying next to her. She saw a big amount of dark curls and sighed, turning around , she got out of bed and only then realized again that she was naked, she pulled the blanket of Derek and wrapped it around herself. Waking up Derek in the progress, "Hey" he smiled, his voice sleepy. Addison turned around grinning " Morning". " I need to get to work in an hour, you can shower here , but we won't be driving together" sighed Addison firmly " Or- you could come back to bed and re -do what we did last night" chuckled Derek. " It's late, we need to get to work" responded Addison, slightly smirking " damn it," groaned Derek fake annoyed.

" Oh my god, you dirty- dirty girl" squeeked Callie after Addison told her everything about the night before. " was he any good?" asked Callie, smirking " Oh yes" smirked Addison, while showing his size with her hands. " Gooo girl" laughed Callie, " but i have no idea what this meant" stated Addison while leaning against the nurses station " You mean, like? was it JUST sex, or a possible relationship?" asked Callie while drinking the last of her coffee " Yes" sighed Addison. " The only way to find out is ask" smiled Callie " I gotta run, have a surgery, meet me in the cafeteria after my surgery, kay?" sighed Callie while throwing her empty cup in the trash. " Yes, yes fine" sighed Addison while massaging her temples.

Addison walked into the room, Callie was already there " thought you had a surgery?" asked Addison while she put on gloves " Patient died on the way to the OR" sighed Callie disappointed. " What kinda case do we got?" asked Addison while glancing over at a young woman laying on the table holding a man's hand. " Tripped in the shower, her wrist is broken possibly surgical, and she needs an echo to check on the baby and see if there are complications due to her trip" stated Callie. Addison and Callie both got in the patient room " Hello, i'm Addison Montgomery, OBGYN " smiled Addison " I'm Missy" responded Missy. " I'm just going to do a quick ultra sound to check on the baby, and Dr. Torres will be checking your wrist fracture" smiled Addison while smeering some gell on Missy's belly. While Missy was telling a story about the nursery, Addison was looking for a heart beat. She looked a little closer, tears started stinging in her eyes " I am sorry" she said hoarse, " What is it?" asked Missy, excitement dying out of her voice. " The fall caused your baby's heart to- stop" sighed Addison " I am Sorry Missy, Wes but your daughter.. pas-" sighed Addison but Missy's cries made it unberable to continue. Missy's husband Wes hugged Missy so tight while they were both crying.


Addison lay in bed alone staring at the ceiling, the smell of the previous night was still on her pillows and her blankets. A knock on the door awoke her out of her thoughts, she got up and walked to the door. She stared trough the peekinghole and saw the back of a men with black curly hair. Addison slowly in and ex haled and brushed her hands trough her hair, after one last confident sigh she pulled open the door . " Uh- Hi?" smiled Addison softly, " Hello" responded Derek while holding out the bottle of wine in his left hand. " Do- you want to come in?" asked Addison awkwardly " Yes please" smiled Derek. Derek followed Addison inside and sat down next to her on the couch " So-" he said, " So" sighed Addison. " Look what did it mean yesterday?" asked Addison nervously, while plucking some cat hair from her dark sweat pants. " What do you want this to mean?" asked Derek " I like you" stated Addison, a smile creeping onto her face. " I like you too" responded Derek " We could give this- i mean us a try" stated Addison, while looking into Derek's eyes. Derek nodded in aprroval " i'd like that" he said. "Want some wine?" asked Addison while taking the bottle on the table which Derek had brought with him . " Yes please" smiled Derek, Addison poured the wine into two glasses and handed Derek one of them. They took sips of wine in an awkward silence, until Addison broke the silence " Look i don't want this to be awkward, how about we get to know each other by asking questions" suggested Addison.  " Alright" smiled Derek while sitting down on the couch a little comfertabler.  "So what's your full name?" asked Addison while she sat back down on the couch too. " Derek Christopher Shepherd, yours?" smiled Derek while re filling his glass " Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery"  chuckled Addison " That's a mouth full" replied Derek.

Addison woke up the next morning in her own bed, no idea how she got there. But when she looked to her left, she saw Derek laying next to her. " Derek- wake up, it's time for work" sighed Addison while nudging Derek with her elbow. Derek opened his eyes and kissed Addison " So are we going to drive to work today, together?" asked Derek while playing with a lock of Addison's long red hair. " Yes, if your okay with that" smiled Addison while carefully climbing out of bed. " I'm perfectly fine with that" smirked Derek. " I got to shower, so make yourself comfertable, you can shower next if you want" smiled Addison " No need, thanks tho" responded Derek while putting on a t- shirt.
Addison came out of the shower, dressed and walked down the stairs where she saw Derek sitting at the dining table " What's this?" asked Addison smiling while looking down at the table filled with good looking breakfast things " Breakfast" smiled Derek while pouring coffee in Addison's mug. " You didn't need to make breakfast" smiled Addison while putting an egg on her plate " I know, but i wanted too" responded Derek. " So you don't have much stuff here, to make it look home-y " stated Derek while looking into Addison's eyes over the top of his news paper " No i rented this apartment for 6 months, so i could find a proper home here, i didn't want to get too attached to this place " smiled Addison. " Ahh right".

Addison held Derek's hand as they walked into the hospital " Are you sure about this?" asked Derek while stopping and letting go of Addison's hand " If one nurse sees us, everyone knows, okay?" he added. " I know Derek, and i'm okay with all of this" smiled Addison confident while taking Derek's hand and leading him into the hospital. " I gotta meet Callie, but see you later" smiled Addison while kissing Derek's cheek " Bye then" smirked Derek.

Addison walked straight up to Callie " Hé Torres" shrieked Addison when she saw her only friend at this place. " Monty" smiled Callie " So are the rumors true?" asked Callie smirking " depends" responded Addison " You and McDreamy, are official?" asked Callie. Addison almost spit out her drink " McDreamy?" she giggled, " Yes McDreamy, but is it true? it is isn't ?" smirked Callie. " It might be true" shrieked Addison a little too loud. " Good for you" stated Callie while patting Addison's shoulder, " Good for you" she repeated.

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