I Feel Like A Slutty Disco Ball

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"Hey Amy are you going to Ryan's party tonight" Jamie said while eating her hamburger, were currently in the cafeteria talking about a party, a party that everyone is talking about.


"Come on Amy, Ryan said you should come" Jamie pleaded.

"Are you sure about that" I said to her, she nodded.

"Well why don't you go then" Jamie asked.

"I'm doing homework" I lied.

Wow is that the best you got, my inner voice said, well not really said, just thought, What?

"Really that's your excuse now?" Jamie said.


"Amy college is around the corner, graduation is in three days, live your life, you never went to a party, never drink, never had a first kiss, never had a boyfriend and your still a virgin"

"Hey I don't need a constant reminder from my bestfriend that I'm still those things cause I know I am and the answer is still.... No"

"Boooo, your no fun"

"You're finally stating the obvious"

"I know I'll tell everyone that you still haven't kissed anyone yet and you're still a virgin, I won't say it unless you come to Ryan's party later"

"You wouldn't dare"

"Oh Amy I thought you knew me already"

And with that the most popular and incredibly gorgeuos player who is also the biggest douchebag in school; Nick Johnson just came in the cafeteria, just my luck.

Jamie got up from her seat and stood on top of our table and shouted "Attention everyone my friend here" Jamie pointed to me, everyone in the whole cafeteria were silent, very silent like a pin drop, everyone were staring at me and Jamie like we were freaks "she never I mean never had-"

The bell rung, ha saved by the bell suckers, some people were cursing and others were saying what would Jamie have said.

"Were you planning on humiliating me infront of the entire student body Jamie" I complained.

"The truth is Amy that I don't even know if I was going to say it or not"

"Well to avoid anymore humiliation between us I think I'll go tonight"

"Really!!!, I already have your dress picked out, their at my house, I'll have to curl up your hair and-"

"Wait wait wait you already picked out my dress, when?"

"Oh months ago, you know when I told you I had to go dress shopping for Jake's birthday, I told you to come but of course you're a major buzz kill and you refused as always, so I bought you a few dresses if you ever go to a party"

"Ok, that explains something but why didn't you tell me that you bought me dresses"

"Cause I thought if I told you that I bought you half a dozen dresses you'd flip out"

"You bought me half a dozen dresses, of course I would flip out, where are they?" I can't believe it she bought me half a dozen dresses and she didn't even tell me, what a friend.

"Why are you going to burn them" Jamie's voice got concerned, she doesn't trust me at all, well sometimes I couldn't trust myself either, she knows me too well.

"It depends on what color, design and length"

"Ok then" Jamie agreed.

"Umm Jamie"

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