"I will do what you want me to do. Just leave Andrew out of this. Please." I beg him.

"Awww you love the boy, don't you? But I'm sorry Princess; lover boy is already involved now."

"He doesn't know anything. I will leave him. Just keep him out of this."

"Now now Princess. Don't even think about leaving the lover boy. You never know what happens to him next. Today you were there to save him but what if no one is there to save him." What have I got Drew into?

"Okay. I won't leave him. Just don't do anything to him. I will do what you want me to do."

"Okay. Fine. Just follow my orders and both of them will be fine." Both? What does he mean?

"What do you mean by 'both'?" I hear him laugh. Who else is involved in his little game?

"Seems like I forgot to tell you about your last surprise. Don't worry. You'll find out soon."

"And one more thing, Princess. Try to keep your friends and lovers out of it. I'm sure you don't want David and Cole involved in this."

The line went dead before I could ask him anything. He knew everyone in my life.

Coming back was the biggest mistake of my life and now I have got everyone involved and their lives are at risk. And there is nothing I can do about this.

"Kaeyy." I look up and see Cole coming towards me. Tears are already running down my face again. He holds me close to him and I let out a sob. I have risked everyone's life.

"Hey. What happened? Are you hurt? Where's Andrew?" He asks me. I try to tell him but I'm not able to say anything.

"Andrew... Andrew met with an accident." I manage to tell Cole and I see Cole's face go pale.

"Whaa... What happened? Is he alright?"

"I don't know. The doctors haven't told anything yet." I break down.

"Hey. It's all going to be alright Kate. Drew will be fine." I want to believe what he's saying but with me around, no one is going to be fine.

I nod my head and we both head towards the ER.

I see the doctor coming out. He looks at both of us.

"Is he alright?" I ask the doctor.

"Yes. He is fine. He just has an injury on his head, which is not major so it he will be alright."

"Is there anything else that we should be concerned about?" Cole asks the doctor.

"Nothing as such. Just get him down to the hospital every week so that we can examine the improvement and if in case he has severe headaches then get bring him down to the hospital. He's lucky that it's not anything major."

Lucky? He is in the hospital because of me. He was in the accident because of my mistakes. He was never a part of any of this.

Cole thanks the doctor. We can take Andrew back home tomorrow. Today he has to rest so we both decide to stay in the hospital for the night.

"Kate, you can go back home. I'm here for him." Cole tells me.

"No. I want to be here. Please let me....

Suddenly I hear someone call out to me loudly. I turn around and I can't believe it.

"Kate." I get up from the chair outside the ER and just stare at the person running towards me. What is she doing here?

She hugs me.

"Kate. Are you alright? I've been so worried about you. I got a call that you met in with an accident." I look at her. She looks worried and tired. I think she came here straight from the airport.

"I'm fine, Tara." She has grown so much since I last saw her. Her hair is longer and she looks so different.

"You scared me. I took the first flight from Washington when I heard about the accident. I'm just glad that you're alright." I smile at her.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I assure her.

"Yeah. I'm grateful to the man from the hospital that called me and told me. If you would have been injured and I wouldn't have known then I would never have forgiven myself." Man? Which man is she talking about?

"Which man, Tara? Who called you?" She looked at me with the same confuse expression with which I was looking at her.

"I got a call from this hospital from a man telling me that you met with an accident and that they found my number in your phone." All this was not making sense. Why will anyone call Tara from this hospital? And I didn't even meet with any accident.

Suddenly, my phone beeped. I open it and a message pops up.

"Surprise! Surprise! Give my love to your sister, Princess."

A/N The picture on top is of Tara Sanders (Kate's Sister).

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