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This chapter dedication is to my amazing friend @flawlessscream

Thank you for all your love & support.

And don't forget to check out her work. She's a really awesome writer.

The song above is just so perfect and I couldn't think of better one for this chapter.


Enjoy the chapter Folks.


My head is throbbing. This is what happens when you have too much to drink. After Cole had left, I had stopped keeping a count of all the champagne I gulped down. I remember David carrying me to my room. Ugh.....

This is the worst hangover I've ever had.

I get up from my bed. My head is still feeling heavy. I swear that I will never ever drink like this again. I quickly brush and head downstairs. I will need an Advil to make it through today.

David doesn't look any better than me. It looks like a truck ran over him. His hair resembles a bird's nest. And I mean literally.

"Good morning Beautiful." I smile at him showing all my 32's.

Do you even have all your 32's?

Good morning to you too. My inner voice always has the best timings.

And I'm always better at things than you are. You are just the less intelligent version of me.

Seriously! I wish I could murder her, but unfortunately it's my voice.

"Good morning. How many eggs did the bird lay today?" Yes. I did mean his hair. He looked at me first with a very confused look but then he realized what I was talking about.

"It laid... Wait. Let me count." He pointed his finger towards the top of his head and acted like he was really counting.

"Four. What about you?" This is why we are best friends. He always has fun with me and gets me.

"Unfortunately, today there were no eggs, but tomorrow there sure will be." We both burst into laughter.

Will was looking at us with a very confused look. I'm sure the old man didn't get what we were talking about. He must be thinking that I am still drunk from last night.

"Here are the Advil's, Sir." Will keep two Advil's in front of us and poured us water.

"This is exactly what I needed." I picked up my glass and gulped down the tablet. This is going to get me much better.

We have cereals for breakfast.

"So what are the plans for today?" I ask David.

SEVENTH HEAVEN DENIED [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora