MODOC: Part 19 - The Factory

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              Since MODOC did not have to run through chest deep snow, his nano-machines could dedicate their entire efforts to repairing and replacing damage done by Mikael's rifle. His internal displays indicated he was within acceptable parameters, yellow levels with reductions in mobility, speed and strength.

              His chemical supplies and micro-machines were being restored but would be dangerously low and he would be likely only able to provide limited healing should Justin need it. If they were lucky, they would get to go back to the rebels and they would have unaligned nanites he could use to restore his supply. He would be able to assemble new ones, given a few weeks and a stable matter supply and energy source, but that was the slowest means of replenishing them.

              Meanwhile Max was searching using the wireless connectivity in any of the nearby county data towers for any information regarding the truck and its location. His latest survey indicated there was a communication with a truck in the area with the proper license codes and on the proper road to Trenton.

              There was a delay and the truck was on the side of the road for a few hours. It had returned to the road only a few minutes ago and would likely arrive within the hour. Max checked the relay towers for their signal and was able to follow their last position. Using that position he would be able to estimate the time to arrival based on weather, safe travel speeds and current traffic information. All of that information was public and available, making a guess with a high degree of accuracy.

              "We're making good time," MODOC voxed out loud to no one in particular. Mikael grunted in assent and hunkered down on his bounding snow cat, Leiar. The snow cat while making great leaps in the snow barely disturbed anything at all as she landed and leapt again, her gait smooth and flawless, the large tufted paws crunching the snow beneath them but barely breaking the surface before she was leaping again. Up in the saddle, MODOC was barely aware of her motion, so focused on the road ahead. 

              "It's not good enough. By my estimates, they will arrive in ten minutes and we are still, even at this speed going to be another fifteen minutes after that. Can these things go any faster?" Max's question was the only sound heard as the snow cats huffed in response to the question.

              Alex answered, leaning down on to his cat to make himself as close to her body as possible, to increase her speed and performance, "Askia says, you could always run yourself if we are too slow. I told her you were just tired and ill-mannered after being shot. She forgives you." Alex looked over at Perry and both smirk before hunkering down.

              "We will get you there in ten minutes, Patron. Do you have a plan once we get there?" Perry was breathing harder than normal and felt an uncomfortable tightness in his chest, but he ignored it, putting it down to the stress of the moment. He would have the doc look at him when he got back.

              "We don't care about anyone but Justin. Those other people, however unfortunate, are not my concern. Perhaps they can leave with you? MODOC's tone was very matter of fact and even a bit cold.

              "I remember seeing many attractive females being loaded into the truck. From what I am to understand, they will not have any place to return to when they leave there. I understand the life of a pioneer these days to be rather rough. Many hands make light work." Max's attempt to lighten the mood was unsuccessful. 

              The next ten minutes were long and silent until Mikael sat up and said "I can see the river, the factory is on the other side. Are we going to use the bridge, Pa?"

              "I don't know. Normally, there would be someone on that bridge but with conditions like these, we might be able to just walk up to the gate and not be seen." He looks askance for a moment and then continues, "Variar says he can see no one on the bridge but there are four men at the gate on the other side. They are huddled inside of the building and unlikely to see us. He says there is a truck already there and it is unloading."

              "We need to go now. As fast as we can. Once we get over the bridge, I need you to drop us, so we can find Justin. We will communicate over your internal comms. Once we find him, we will call you and you come running to get him and anyone you think can be useful to you out."

              Max's voice overrode MODOC. "There will be security robots and perhaps some personnel on site. The robots are non-sentient AIs designed to perform a single series of functions well. They will be armed with non-lethal weapons, but make no mistake, non-lethal does not mean it won't hurt. Destroy them quickly before they can retaliate. Their weapons won't kill you, but they will certainly make you wish you were dead."

              The chimera were skittish as we stole past the gate in the driving snow. The last hour had seen the snow pick up, covering the area in a sound dampening blanket, perfect for sneaking past the guards, who were only too happy to stay indoors drinking their warm drinks and ignoring any reason to go outside. These chimera were perfectly adapted for this weather, with large paws allowing them to move quickly and quietly down the bridge into the factory space proper.

              My repairs had been able to be completed because I was riding on the back of the snowcat and I had chosen to adapt my coloration to something similar to theirs. It was easy to alter my polychromatic matrix. This felt like something I should do and my body responded easily. I checked the air for any trace of Justin, but nothing presented itself.

              "There is the truck."

              "How do you want to do this?" Perry asked.

              "I will leave that to you. If you are simply able to determine where he went and disable the robots, that will be enough. I will move in the shadows to find Justin."

              "Understood, keep them busy, destroy the robots." Perry makes some hands signs to his team and they disappear into the darkness. I drop down onto the recently cleared ground. The heavily falling snow is rapidly reclaiming this cleared parking lot. As I approach the truck, I smell something terrible. It has a heavy organic smell and I pass several puddles of unrecognizable ooze on the ground.

              "Max, check my chemo sensor readings. Do they look strange to you?"

              "Meaning, do I smell the same things that you do, chemically speaking?

              "Is there a reason you don't use smaller words?"

              "I like to confuse you. It has the trace elements of human bile but there is some other component I cannot identify even with your advanced chemical sensors. I will begin a chromatograph and let you know when I understand what I am seeing. Can you allocate memory for the procedures?"

              "I have allotted all the computer resources required for your operations. I will only maintain my physical parameters for search and mobility."

              "Thank you. This will make my analysis much easier since my digital space is much smaller than I am used to."

              "We will find him. I promised."

              "Less talking, more hunting, Cat."

              Slinking along the side of the loading dock, I noticed there was a path of the effluvia being left behind and it disappears behind a series of electronically locked doors. The trace is fresh. The vomit is still warm. He was just here. Using my cold beam, I send a series of code signals to learn the operating system for the security system. It takes me only three minutes to find something that works. The door opens automatically, likely assuming the person may be carrying materials and I slip inside into the darkness and down a long corridor.

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