Christmas day: home

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Your POV
I woke up early for once. True I could have slept for ages, but I had to get out of bed one day. I could already hear some noise downstairs. "G'd morning."
"Hey Sweden! Is Finland back?"
He said a small yes. He was so focused making breakfast, he  didn't see me slip out next to the Christmas presents. I picked one up and looked for my name. After a few I finally found one! I looked at the size, shaked it a bit. Sounds soft!
"(Y/n), drop the gifts its for later." Said Finland.
I quickly hid it behind my back, "What gift?"
"You know the saying that Santas sees you when you're awake and sleeping?"
"Stalker." I muttered. I let go of the gift. That's when I noticed my pocket has been ringing for a while now. I turned it on to find out that hundreds of messages were in my inbox.
"I'm so popular." I said as stroke a pose.
"What about me?" Asked a sleepy danish.
"You have bed hair!" I said as I bursted out laughing.
I looked through most of the messages. They were mostly people telling me what they got from Santa. Suddenly a question jogged into my mind.
"I was wondering what did Germany get for christmas?"
"Uhm, let me think. Oh! Yes! He got porn magazines."
Wow. I did not see that coming. Is he joking. I hope he is... I sat down at the table and took out my phone sending an innocent message to Germany, "Hey, so what did santa bring you?"
A few minutes passed by before I got an answer.
"A sweater and you?"
"Don't know, I'm not allowed to touch the gifts."
"Breakfaaast! I'm starving here!"
"Shut up!" Squacked Mr. Puffin. God I hate that foul mouthed bird.
"I guess tonight we'll be having puffin meat if you don't keep that beak shut got it bird brain."
I warned him.
"Keep trying!" He said back.
That's when Iceland grabbed him just in case I tried to break the freaks neck.
"So what are we eating tonight?" Norway asked
"Salmon and deer!" Spoke up Sweden. I snatched a piece of bacon and munched on it. Soon Finland's dog came to me whimpering for a piece. I slid a piece under the table towards him.
"I want a pet too!" I whined.
"What animal were you thinking of?" Finland asked as he picked up his pet.
"Well I really want a kitten."
Everyone in the room turned to look at me with frightened eyes.
"No way! No cats! Never!" Sweden practically yelled.
"Why not we have a dog and a bird. I don't get why can't I have a cat?"
"It's because we have a dog and a puffin that you can't get a cat. Anyways dogs look a humans from below and cat look at human from above. They are basically little furry devils with scratchy tongues!" Panicked Denmark.
"Not fair!" I said as I pouted.
"Come on lets go open those presents" Iceland said as he tugged on my arm. We sat down in front of the Christmas tree in a semi-circle. We would all choose one gift and open it  at the same time. I grabbed the one I picked up from this morning. I tear threw the gift wrap like a five year old kid.
"Yes an awesome soft blanket to snuggle in." I tied it around my neck like a cape while I went threw all the other gifts. In the end I had to make three trips to bring upstairs all of my gifts. Lets not talk about cleaning them up for the moment. Sweden and Finland were in the kitchen making a light lunch for us to eat before we headed out to the sauna.
We sat down in the sauna room outside. The steam was wonderful. But being surrounded by five hot guys that were related to me when your only wearing a towel is a bit embarrassing. At least this wasn't the first time we had a sauna party with the family. Finland was in charge of the steam. The funny part was that Sweden had to take off his glasses so he was basically blind and he would bump into objects here and there, while Denmark's hair had lost his gravity and was a wet mop on his head. 

"Are you leaving tomorrow morning?"

"Yes." Answered gruffly Sweden. During that time Denmark scooted closer and closer to me. 

"Hey (y/n), care to remove your towel?"

"Only if you do it!"

"Sure !" He said as he slowly removed his towel. Before he could strip Norway threw out Denmark from the sauna naked.

"Muwahaha! That what you get for being a pervert!" I said evilly. Little by little the steam was getting to me and I started to feel light headed. I excused myself and left the sauna. I head back to bedroom to find Denmark stark naked on my bed.
"What are you doing here?!" I asked pissed off.
"Don't be like that. I know you love me. Come lie with me!" He said with a sly smile as he patted a spot right next to him on te bed.
"No thank you. Not interested!"
"So how is it working with Germany." I only managed to groan out in frustration.
"What about you and Norway?" I said with a smirk.
"Fine you got me. Were both at the starting block."
"At least my brother is moving along with his plan, he's going to proprose to Finland when they're at  the cottage. Damn him."
"No way! He's going to propose?! Talking about the cottage I heard you slept with Germany?"
"Yeah! So what?"
"You naughty girl!" He tsked
"What perverted image are you thinking of? We slept together, I didn't have sex with him! Jeez!" I yelled blushing.
"Eh, whatever it not like your a virgin."
"Yeah..." I said just above a whisper. He was right I'm not a virgin but when your a country you don't save yourself for your one true love because sooner or later that person disapers. I look back at the naked body on the bed and sigh. I laid myself next to Denmark,
"Hey remember when we were younger and we would fool around all the time?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Don't you miss it or regret it?"
"Even when we ... you know..."
"When we slept together?"
"Uhm... yeah..." I blushed
"No I don't we were teens and messing around. I don't regret it or anything. We both moved on its not like we were serious or anything. Right?"
"Yeah. And Denmark?"
"Alright! Stop yelling!". After that we both put on our PJs and watched the Hobbit. We both soon fell asleep next to each other.

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