Eren replied in kind adding "good luck" as an after thought. It didn't take him and Marco long to find their room and even less time for them to be ready for bed. Marco was asleep in a matter of minutes, but Eren lay awake thinking about his new superiors. Petra and Oluo...two more people who were completely new to him and at the same time were so familiar. Where could he have possibly met Petra before? He felt as though he would have fully remembered her pretty smile and kind ways...and then there was Oluo. Eren was positive that it would be impossible to forget him!Despite the man's self-important manner of speech, Eren found it hard to grow irritated with him. It actually was kind of amusing and the familiarity of it put him at ease. He felt a strange wave of sorrow and guilt crash over him all of a sudden as he thought about Petra and Oluo and tears welled in his eyes and spilled over from the corners, running down into his hair as he lay staring at the ceiling in the dark. There were no visions tonight, but the grief and horror that gripped him was crippling. Turning onto his side, Eren curled up and pressed a hand firmly over his mouth to stifle any noise. But he soon gave that up and buried his face in the pillow, sobbing uncontrollably.
     "I'm sorry..." He gasped, "I'm so sorry!"

     The loud squeal of rusty hinges cut into Eren's subconscious and roused him. He felt groggy and slowly lifted his head to look towards the door. "Mm...Marco's that you...?"
     "Oh I'm sorry!" Gasped a female voice. "I didn't realize that anyone was still asleep at this hour!"
     Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Eren blinked and saw that the newcomer was a petite girl with wide blue eyes and soft blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun, strands of hair escaping and falling around her face. She wore a plain white shirt and brown skirt covered by a patched apron. Her wide eyes were fixed on Eren in obvious surprise and he felt an embarrassed blush rising to his cheeks.
     "'s alright..." His mind was still foggy. "Er, what time is it anyways?"
     "It's a quarter past twelve, sir," the girl said, pointing to a clock on the wall that Eren hadn't noticed before.
     Eren sat bolt upright, immediately alert, "A quarter past twelve?!" He cried, "Crap I'm late for reporting to my superiors!"
     He threw back the covers and lept out of bed in a panic, rummaging through the stocked drawers for a fresh uniform as the girl hastily backed out of the room. "I'll wait outside until you're done. Miss Petra is down in the study of you want to speak with her when you're done."
     The door shut and Eren lost no time in stripping to his briefs and donning the uniform. He flung open the door again and dashed out into the hall and down the stairs, rapping on the office door moments later.
     "Come in!" Called Petra's voice. Eren stepped into the office, a plain room lined with book shelves and with two desks on opposite sides of the room, and stood uncomfortably in the doorway.
     Petra set down her pen and blotted the ink on whatever document she was writing before turning her gaze to Eren. "I'm glad to see you up; did you have a good rest?"
     Eren blushed darkly: "I'm so sorry that I overslept! It's my first day and I've already screwed up--"
     He broke off as Petra laughed. "Eren please don't worry yourself about this! If I wanted you awake earlier then I'd have sent Oluo to drag you down here by the hair. As it is, I'm glad that you've gotten a good night's rest since you and Marco will be on patrol tonight."
     Eren's eyes lit up. "Are you serious? We get to fight vampires tonight?"
     "I certainly hope it won't come to a fight, but yes, you just might." Petra picked up her pen and returned to writing. "There should be so leftover lunch in the kitchen. Go get something to eat and then go and explore the town so you know the layout before tonight. Your official Hunter weapons are on the kitchen table if you care to bring them with you."

     Understanding that he was dismissed, Eren hastily thanked Petra and then went to the kitchen. He gathered some food then sat down at the table and unwrapped the parcel containing his weapons. A phial of holy water, an instrument intended to purify the bites of victims, to be kept in a pouch at his waist along with a pouch of ground garlic paste. While the smell made Eren's mouth water he knew that even a little bit would be enough to make a vampire sick and thus it was a good way of warding them off. A better ward rested in the crucifix hanging around Eren's neck, no vampire would dare touch it if they could help it for risk of serious burns. The final object was an actual weapon: a sword made entirely from solid oak. The edges were honed to slice flesh as easily as steel yet the polished blade was as sturdy as the tree it came from. This was a true Hunter's weapon and the only known way to kill a vampire: a wooden stake driven straight through the heart. Eren's fingers glided over the smooth wood before moving to grasp the handle. It fit his hand perfectly and he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.
     At that moment the blonde girl from earlier entered the room, a laundry basket on one hip. She noticed the empty plate beside Eren and said reproachfully: "You should have told me that you were going to eat something! I would have heated something up for you."
     "It's fine," Eren said cheerfully, buckling on his belt of supplies as the girl cleared the plate. "Besides, you seemed busy...?"
     "Krista." The girl said with a smile. "I'm the housekeeper and cook for the Hunters stationed here."
     Eren gave a polite nod, "Nice to meet you, I'm Eren."
     There was silence as Krista left to soak the cloths in cold water and Eren prepared some black tea for himself. He was just finishing his first cup when Krista returned.
     "I suppose you'll be exploring the town today," she said.
     "Yeah," Eren replied, setting his cup on its saucer with a faint clink of china. "I'm on patrol tonight and want to get familiar with the place."
     "Would you mind if I come along?" Asked Krista. "I've finished my work here until tomorrow but I have some shopping of my own to do."
     Eren grinned, "That would be great! I could use a guide anyways."
     Standing, he sheathed his sword and walked to the front door, holding it for Krista before exiting himself. The sun was slowly moving into the west but the air was still pleasant and smelled of autumn. Eren and Krista wandered the streets and kept up a pleasant stream of conversation as they explored the market, inns, small neighborhoods, and finally stopped at a tavern as evening approached to get something warm to eat and drink. Krista's groceries sat on the bench beside her and Eren sat across the table. The smile on his face wasn't just to be polite, Eren was truly glad to have met a new friend so quickly. He missed seeing Mikasa and Armin, it was true, but the two veteran Hunters, Marco, and now Krista were quickly making him feel comfortable and secure in his new home. He was even starting to look forward to being a protector to the people of the town.
     At that moment, the church bell tolled out eight mournful notes. "Crap!" Eren muttered, standing up quickly. "I've got to start my patrol!"
     Krista stood as well and gathered up her groceries. "I should be heading home anyways."
     As the moved towards the door, Eren noticed that the crowd had thinned out considerably. The only people in the tavern were the owners, a few guests from the adjoining inn, and two men too drunk to stand up who were being laid out on cots in the corner of the room to sleep off their drinks. The door swung shut with a creak of hinges and Eren glanced around the darkened street. The air had grown cooler and the breeze that had sprung up made the night seem even colder. Taking a bag from Krista, Eren said: "Which way is your house? I'll walk you back."
     Krista pointed down the street to their left, "Just a few blocks that direction then down a side street."
     Eren nodded and they set off. The street was entirely deserted and despite the lighted windows, the world seemed very dark indeed. A waning crescent moon hung in the sky among the wind torn clouds and gave the scene a ghostly air.
     "Where is everyone?" Asked Eren, his voice sounding unnaturally loud in the stillness. Krista glanced around nervously and whispered: "In their homes. It's too dangerous to be outside at night. I'm not sure how it is in the place you grew up...Shiganshina city wasn't it?"
     "Yes, right on the outskirts."
     "Well, out here there are less people, which should mean less attacks, but it also means that there are less people to help if a vampire does come. So they prey on the small villages almost as much as the big cities."
     Krista's eyes were wide with fear, but her voice was steady as she caught hold of Eren's sleeve to stop his progress. "My home is down this street. I'll be fine from here on out. Hurry to get on duty before you really get in trouble for being late!"
     Eren hesitated, "It's no trouble, I can see you to your door."
     "It's fine," Krista said with a small smile. "I'll see you tomorrow bright and early!" She put slight emphasis on the word "early" and Eren gave her a sheepish grin. Krista set off down the street, pausing halfway to turn and wave. Eren waved back then turned and started back towards headquarters.
     He took comfort in the thought that, despite the eeriness of the town around him, he was safe and equipped with the weapons and wards necessary to protect himself and others. The moon drifted behind one of the dark, ragged clouds and the wind took on a particularly bitter quality just as Eren was passing the tavern he'd left shortly before. He shivered and glanced up at the clock on the church steeple. Half past eight could Eren be feeling drowsy considering how late he had slept? His mouth opened in a huge yawn. Then a scream pierced the air.
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