Chapter 11

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The Champion

This fight was about to be over real soon. I smirked at the girl who was standing across from me in the ring. She thought she had the upper hand but she didn't. I watched as she started to charge at me. Before she could punch me I ducked and grabbed her by the waist and slammed her hard on the mat. I heard her head bounce of the mat and cheers of the crowed. But my focus was solely on her. Everything was blurred out except her body. I was sitting on her waist and delivering blow after blow to her face. I was about to open her up.

I can't lie she got me good. My side was killing me. Before I hit her with another left the ref dived in and pushed me off her. I stood up and ran up on the fence and straddled it. I knew it was over when I saw her eyes roll in the back of her head and the blood start to coat the ring. It was over. I looked over at my coach and he nodded his head.

While I was standing there waiting to be told I won. My manger came over to me.

"Hey DJ, they want you to take some one on in the crowed. Let 'em get a few good shots and then you destroy them. They gonna pay you extra," Charile said.

I nodded my head I was always down for extra money and I had the energy so why not.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen for one night only DJ The Prodigy Prescott is going to be taking on a challenger from the crowd. Challenger gets to pick the rules," he said.

That kind of threw me off but I didn't care. My adrenaline was sky high.

"I'll take her punk ass on,"

I looked up and saw Resse bitch ass coming into the ring.

" Street rules, no gloves. I want her to feel this ass whopping she about to get," she said as the crowd started to ooo and ahh.

I smirked and took off my gloves. She had no idea what she got herself into. I took it easy on old girl, but I wont on her. She was on my hit list. I was gonna get her one way or the other. I guess faith decided to deal me a good hand.

"Oh you aint got shit to say huh DJ?" she asked me as she took off her jacket and shoes and tossed them out side the ring.

I shook my head as I got in my zone.

"I am going to kick your ass for taking what is mines," she said as we met in the center of the ring.

Resse was a good inch taller then me but that aint mean nothing. She looked down and smirked.

"I am going to beat your ass, then I am going to beat Sierra ass for thinking she can leave me," she said and smirked.

I felt my body get hot. She had pissed me off to a entire new level. I blocked out everything and everybody.

Before I knew it the fight had started. All I know is that she hit me with a left and a right. Then after that everything was a blur. I just remember coming to with blood dripping down my face and the Ref pushing me off of a limp Resse. I smirked as I looked at her. I guess I broke her arm and leg. They look real bent out place and lose. I stood up and walked out of the ring as people patted me on my back.

"Good fucking fight," was all I heard as I made my was back into the locker room.

I sat down on the bench and that's when all the pain in my body started to set in.

"Fuck man," I said as I laid back on the bench.

"Damn DJ you fucked both of them up tonight," Charles said as he enters the room.

"I'm getting to old for this shit," I said as I slowly sat up.

"Well aint nothing broke," he said as he looked me over and pressed and poked me.

"Shitt man," I hissed.

" Man up DJ. Just get some rest this weekend kiddo," he said.

I nodded my head and started to get dress. I put on some sweat pants and my socks and my Nike slides. I grabbed my bag and slowly made my way out the room and into the back office. I knocked on the door and waited for Jim to tell me to come in.

"Ahhh DJ my money maker, you did very good tonight. Best fight ever," he said in his deep British accent.

I nodded my head and waited for him to hand me money so I could go home.

"Still not a big talker I see, but you do have a lot of fight in you," he said as he threw a few air punches and laughed.

I smiled and nodded.

"Well here you go my dear, 15,000 for round and 5,000 for that extra round. You have the internet bugging out," He said as he took his cigar and put it to his lips.

I grabbed the 20 grand and stuffed it in my bag and nodded my head. I sighed and walked out of the office and to the bar. I looked down at my wrist it was only 10:30. I had some time to come up with some sort of excuse to tell Sin when I got back. I grabbed my hoodie out my bag and slowly placed it over my body.

"Here you go DJ baby," Candy the bartender said as she handed me some Henny on the rocks and a zip lock bag of ice before she walked away.

I took my drink and sat at the end of the bar by the wall so I could lean against it. Fuck my body hurt and I think I'm still bleeding. I placed the ice on my jaw. I wasn't sure if it was swollen but I knew it hurt like fuck.


I looked over to see who was calling my name. When I didn't see the person I closed my eyes and put the Henny to my lips. I let it sit around in my mouth before I let it slide down my throat.

"DEJA!" I heard the voice again followed by a sharp pain in my side.

I bit down on my bottom lip and let out a small groan. I ended up dropping my baggy of ice.

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