Unexpected Guest (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"You can go to hell if you think we are staying here with you mutts." I say crossing my arms over my chest. They are rogues wolfs and a few vampires which you usually don't see happening. So, our best bet is that they are working for someone. "So, you think you can just judge us for what we are just because you're a pathetic weak human. Oh yes, I know what you are, don't think I haven't smelt you. We all know what you and your friend are, and my friends seem hungry too." He says getting angrily spitting on the floor next to my feet. Two men walk forward as if they were on commanded to. They both are tall and build I can't tell out their face but both men are dark skin.

I look closer to the men's arms to see they have a brand showing that they are wolfs. The brand is a W the middle of a wolf print. It looks cool to the human eye but to some it's like a bad curse. "Sorry to inform you but I'm not going willingly, and neither is she so Fuck Off!" I yell at the guy and his so-called pack. Mr. Creepy face turned to being cocky to monster looking. Like that's going to scare me.

I walk back to the window to leave only to be pulled back by Mr. Creepy. "Not so easy bitch." He says gripping my throat as he pulls me off my feet. I struggle to get free scratching at his hands but no use. When I'm about black out from the loss of air I hear a piecing scream the only person I know who can scream like that is Cindy. Oh, hell to the no this motherfucker is about to get fucked up for hurting my best friend.

I put my hands to my side to make him think he is winning. I grab my dagger and plug it into Mr. Creepy heart to have him release me only to be dropped on my ass gasping for air taking out my dagger from the man's heart. I get myself together and turn around to find one of the vampires holding Cindy down. I stalk over to the man and she is where his back is to me. I punch my fist through his back knocking his heart out in the process to where he turns to dust. I walk over to Cindy to make sure she is okay. She throws a dagger in my area as I walk over to her. I look horrified that she would throw one at me. "It wasn't for you it was for the man behind you." She says trying to make real of what just happened.

"Look we have to get out of here now." I tell her as shake her to get her to look at me. "Everything will be all right I promise let's go to my place and get my money and leave to find a safe place for us." I say to her to calm her more. I turn around to find there are five left to handle. "Who wants to die now, or you can leave and tell who ever your working for to go to Hell." I say yelling the last part to these pussies to see them run faster than lightening.

I grab Cindy by the hand running out the house to my house in record time I would say. "Mom I'm home something happened and it's not safe for me and Cindy to stay here." I say walking in the house to find out the no one is here. Well that's great I probably seem crazy talking to thin air thinking someone is listening to me.

I sit Cindy down at the table after I gave her some hot calming herb tea for her. "I'll be right back." I tell her as I run up the steps to my room to grab my money from today. I walk back down stairs pulling my phone out to call my mother only to have it go to voice mail. Damn it when I need her the most she fucking disappears on me like serious. I think she does this on purpose. I put my money away in my age so that I know it won't get lost.

"It's time to go like now. We get new clothes when we get to a lake house my mother grew up in so well stay there for now till we find somewhere else to be safe. Drink this it masses your smell so that people can't track us. The house is protected to were once we go in no one can find us. I need you get us there please I have the spell already wrote for you." I tell her as I grab the note book my mother gave me. It has some spells that would come in handy at times if I could use them but since I have Cindy as my friend she can do it.

I hand her the book with the spell. "We'll have to hold hands to make it to the lake house now let's do this and fast." I tell her as she takes me hand so that we can start the spell.

"Magicis O cara votis habeo tibi sume mihi volo ut ubi quidam puer quasi velox celeritas lucis" We chant in Latin loud as we think of the lake house holding on to each other tight. (The Latin spell stand for 'Oh magic so dear, I have a wish for you: please take me to where I want to go Get me there fast and quick like the speed of light')

I feel a rush go through me as we land on our buts outside in the house. I get up and look around to find the lake house only a couple meters from us. "We did it Cindy" I say it looking down at her. Oh shit it took to much energy from her. I need to get her in the house and fast.

I pick her up with no problem thinking I would since she weights a ton even though she has a plumb body with curves. I get into the house putting her in the main room because there is no way I'm leaving her side after what happened to day.

I go and make sure the house is all locked up and safe for us to find Cindy still asleep. It must've took a lot of her energy.

I'm so thirsty I need some water. I got into the kitchen to find it has good food still and bottles of water. I drink about four of those bottles to still be thirsty. Maybe it's just my imagination getting to me. I think to myself itching my wrist more as it burns more when I itch but at the same time it stops the itching. I just need sleep like now. I turn the lights out as I walk back to the room.

I take Cindy and I's daggers off so that she'll be comfortable sleeping and take our boots off laying them against the wall. I lay hers daggers next to her on the night stand and mine on the night stand next to me. I turn the light out and pull the covers over use to stay warm. I get comfortable were I fall into a deep sleep.

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