Devil's Trap Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

John turned to Dean "you know, I never told you this, but Sam was going to ask her to marry him. Been shopping for rings and everything. You want to know why? Because they got in the way" John said "in the way of what" I ask, still trying to get out and John looks at me before flicking his hand a little, making the case crush me even more and I hiss in pain.

"My plans for you, Sammy. You, and all the children like you" John says "listen, you mind just getting this over with, huh? Cause I really can't stand the monologuing" Dean said. John goes to him "funny, but that's all part of your M.O., isn't it? Masks all that nasty pain, masks the truth" he says. "Oh yeah, what's that" Dean asked? "You know, you fight and you fight for this family, but the truth is they don't need you. Not like you need them. Sam, he's clearly John's favorite. Even when they fight, it's more concern than he's ever shown you" John says.

"And Shelby, she's been on Hell's door ever since she escaped. In fact every demon out here is looking for her. Ready to drag her back to hell to finish the hell. Imagine what you'll feel like when you have to shoot your own sister. Oh wait, you've already done that" John says and Dean looks at him mad.

"I bet you're real proud of your kids, too, huh? Oh wait, I forgot. I wasted 'em" Dean said with a smile and John looks at him mad. He steps back and puts his head down. When he looks back up Dean suddenly yells in pain. "Dean, no" Sam yells and I realize that the only way to fight this guy, to save my family is to let this thing take over me. He say's I'm strong, well let's see how strong I really am.

Everything that I've been pushing deep down inside of me starts to surface and I feel my eyes turn black and my actions, everything starts to fade. She's taking over, hopefully not for good. I swing the book shelf off of me like it's paper as Dean starts to bleed heavily from his chest. Sam starts to struggle against the force pinning him.

I look around, seeing that I don't have control over anything. It's like I'm watching a movie and I can't stop it. "Well, well, well" I say and everyone looks at me, including John. "Well, I see someone finally came out of hiding" John says with a smile on his face. "Geez this girl is a fighter, I swear I feel like Jello every time she gets stronger" I say.

John smiles "so, am I forgiven" he asks and holds his hands out to his side as Dean starts screaming in pain. Blood is flowing out of Dean. Sam struggles as hard as he can to break free. Blood is running out of Dean's mouth. "Sure, I don't see why not" I say as I start to walk towards the table. "I mean, it's not like you tried to torture me or anything" I say and grab the Colt, aiming it at him.

Dean passes out and Sam yells out his name. John's smile vanished "it's a shame, I actually wanted to see the look on John's face when I took over his daughter's body. What a shame" I say and shoot his leg. He falls down and so does Dean. Sam gets up and goes to his brother. "Dean, Dean, hey" Sam said and Dean starts to wake up before looking at me as does Sam.

"Oh don't worry boys, I won't kill you. Not yet anyways, I'm going have fun with this new control" I say and look at myself. Dean and Sam look at me confused "Shelby" Sam asked and I smiled. "Nope, Anastasia" I say before walking towards the door. "Let our sister go" Dean spits out. He's lost a lot of blood and is weak. "I wouldn't be trying to make deals in the condition you're in" I said with a smirk.

John gasps and Sam runs to his side. John looks at Sam "Sammy! It's still alive. It's inside me, I can feel it. You shoot me. You shoot me! You shoot me in the heart, son" John yells and Sam shakes his head. I tossed the gun to Sam "I better if I were you, before he leaves" I said crossing my arms, enjoying this.

Sam shakes his head and looks at John. The demon suddenly leaves John in a black cloud from his mouth. It disappears through the floor. "Told you" I said and walked outside. "Wait, come back here" Sam yells but with just a flick of my fingers the front door closes behind me and I smile evilly.


Sam is driving with Dad by his side. I'm in the back seat, looking over at the empty space next to me where Shelby should be. John gasps in pain while I am just slumped in the backseat, my eyes not leaving the empty seat next to me. I lost our sister, again. "Look, just hold on, alright. The hospital's only ten minutes away" Sam said.

"I'm surprised at you, Sammy. Why didn't you kill it? I thought we saw eye-to-eye on this? Killing this demon comes first before me, before everything" Dad said. Sam looks in the rear view mirror at me. "No, sir. Not before everything. Look, we've still got the Colt. We still have the one bullet left" Sam said.

"And Shelby" I asked and Sam sighs "I, I don't know, we just have to start over, alright? I mean, we already found the demon" Sam starts and suddenly an eighteen wheeler suddenly slams into the passenger side of the Impala at full speed, driving it sideways in front of it. Everything goes black and I feel the blood all over me before I manage to make out one word before I pass out. "Shelby"!

The End... of Season 1

Please comment if I should do a Season 2.

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