Chapter 6

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Hi I'm back. Sorry I haven't updated in ages before I left for my trip

Riley's P.O.V

Today is going great. Maya had a kiss in a really cute way and the four friends are reuniting which is my favourite part. I wouldn't say we was best friends again but it wouldn't be long until we are. I know I would ditch Sophie but she has ditched me loads of times so I should do it back to her. Now its time for Maya's third performance. We'll be the stars. After it finished it was really good. I hope she wins.

----------------------------SKIPPED TO WHEN THEY ANNOUNCE THE WINNER-----------------------------------------

"This years winner for the John Quincy Adams Got Talent is .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Maya Hart" 

Maya  walked up on stage and smiled and started singing Middle of Starting Over when she finished everyone clapped I turned around and saw Lucas who was doing it like crazy. I ship Lucaya more than I ship Auslly on my favourite Disney Channel Show Austin and Ally. She took her trophy and said thankyou. She has 10 tickets to Euro-Disney.

Lucas's P.O.V

I'm at the Matthews with my old friends. We was still talking about Maya's brilliant performance. She decided to take us with her to Euro- Disney which was really nice. Maya's 2 hour boyfriend has already cheated on her and her other friends defended him. I mean after 2 hours that really bad. She hasn't decided to bring her mum, Auntie and Uncle, 3 cousins us three, Auggie and herself which was obvious. Weird if she didn't. I still don't understand why Adam would cheat on Maya she's the prettiest girl in the school. 

"Maya you know in Disneyland I'm going to buy Ava a princess costume and spend the rest of my euros on her"

"Auggie you can buy her something but not everything" Maya told him still upset about Adam.

"I really missed you guys." I Told them and we all agreed with each other.

Farkle began saying "Riley would you like to.........

What do you think the cliffhanger will be?

A, He asks her to go on a date

B,Help babysit his little sister Sparkle(Farkle and Sparkle Minkus)

C,Help him work on a plan for Laya.


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