Chapter One

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Today I woke up and got ready for the last day of my freshman year. I threw on my dark denim distressed skinny jeans, with sequins on the butt pocket, a turquoise top with little pink flowers with the shoulders cut out, and some brown ankle boots. When I was already to go to school I grabbed my brown school bag, and headed out the door to catch the bus. None of my friends ride my bus, because they live closer to the school so a different bus picks them up.

While I walked on the bus, Rob, the bus driver, told me "good morning" like he usually does, and I sat in a seat near the middle of the bus. There was an empty seat across from the one where I'm sitting at, so I lay my bag on the seat I'm sitting at and lay across on both seats.  I roll over on my side and drift off to sleep.

I woke up on a dirt road we have to pick up the last group of people.  After those people we start heading to school.  I grab out my phone thats in my bag and notice a text from my only friend with a phone, Sierra Gulliver. 

"Hey" read the text message.

"Hey are you glad it's the last day?" I replied back.

"Yes I am, are you?"

"Yep I can't wait till the day is over!"

After I got off the bus, I started walking to the entrance of the school when I got another text on my phone. I thought it was gonna be from Sierra again. But surprisingly it was my mom, the only parent I live with, Stacy.

The text that I received read, "Today is the big day! Make sure you grab all your stuff, say goodbye to your teachers and friends, because right after school I'm going to be picking you up so we can get packing. We are moving to Nebraska!"

"What" I wondered, we live all the way in upper Michigan, why are we moving all the way over there? This is a huge surprise, and I don't even know if this is going to be a GOOD surprise. I wonder how long my mom kept this secret from me, how long did she even know... All I know is that I'm super nervous...

When I walk into my first hour class, which is band, I immediately spot my friends and tell them the news I received earlier. I figured they were going to freak out, which they did, but I didn't think they were going to freak out that much! After all that, I realized maybe I shouldn't have told them yet, but they are my BFF's I think they deserve to know. They all demanded that they come over, after school, to help pack and to say goodbye, before I move. They also told me to call, text, and write them. I told them I would because I would tell them my new address and new house phone number.

After the bell rang to end the last day of school for the summer, or in my case, the last day of school here, forever. Me and my friends headed to our lockers to get all our stuff, then headed outside, when we got outside we immediately called our moms on our phone. My mom said it was okay if they came over and that she would pick us up. Sierra's mom said it was okay for her to come over, so she handed her phone to Jenny Jackson to call her mom, while I handed mine to Nicole Goldstein.

"Mom" Jenny said "Emily is moving to Nebraska, can I go over to her house to help her pack and say goodbye before she leaves, her mom is gonna pick us up, we already called her mom and she said we could come over."

"Oh honey I'm sorry to hear that, that must be hard on you girls, of course you can. I'll pick you up when they're about to leave so I can say goodbye to her mom".

"Okay thanks mom, see you later, love you!" "Well my mom said I could come" Jenny announced. 

"So did mine" cooed Nicole.

Nicole handed me back my phone so I could hand it to Julie Davidson.

After Julie got off the phone, she quickly handed me back my phone and screamed, "YESSS I CAN GO!!"

"YESS" we all screamed while waiting for my mom to show up.

When my mom arrived, it was five minutes after my friends got approval to come over. We all raced to the car, and once we all got in and buckled our seatbelts, we started driving to the house. It was all quite when I asked,

"Mom why do we have to move to Nebraska that's so far away."

Her answer was "well you know how I went to Northern Michigan University to be a DNR officer?"

"Yeah," I acknowledged.

"Well I could never find a job opening and now, I have. But the only problem was that it was so far away. So I had to make sure I got the job before we moved and sold out house, and once I figured that they accepted me I put the house up for sale. Five days later someone bought the house so I quit my job and told you, now we are going to pack, and I have a new job!"

My mouth dropped open, surprised, happy that she got her dream job, but I'm also a little hurt. Hurt that she didn't tell me when she first thought we were going to move.

"I also found this wonderful enormous house, with huge fields, that we officially own so you can ride your new horse!" My mom said all excited like.

After she said that I quickly turned my head facing her. My mouth still wide open, "what?!" I asked shocked.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you... I got you a horse! His name is Branco!."

"Mom no offense, but you haven't even told me any of this, and I don't even know how to ride a horse!"

"Yeah I'm sorry honey, I should have asked you first, but I didn't want you to have anything to worry about... I thought today would have been the best day to tell you. Oh and don't worry I will find someone that can teach you how to ride a horse, there has to be someone."

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