Can't Hide Anymore

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I don't know what to. If I tell my best friend my secret will she even hang around me anymore. I don't know what to. She will understand right? I don't want to lose my best friend she knows everything about but not this secret I have been keeping. I have to tell my parents. I don't want them to be angry with me and what about my fans. Will they still like me and still be supporters. My deep thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.
Y/n-Heyy bestie so what's so important I was going to text back but it sounded important so I called
Tré-I think I need to tell you in person can you come by.
Y/n-yea sure I'm on my way. Are you okay Tré
Tré-"trying to hold his tears" yea
Y/n-okay well I'm on my way
Tré-okay bye "hangs up"
I tried to hold my tears. I'm not the type of person who cries a lot but this is really hard for me to tell my secret. I hope my parents,best friend, and my fans will be happy for me and still support me. Telling this is the hardest thing because you don't know now people will react,but this is who I am and I happy if they like it or not. I was interrupted from my thoughts again by a knock at the door.
Tré-"opening the door" hey y/n
Y/n-have you been crying what's wrong "hugs Tré before sitting on the couch"
Tré-"sits down across from you" what I'm about to tell you is umm something I have been keeping from you "sheds a tear" I don't know how to say it.
Y/n-"puts her hand on Tré knee" what is it.
Tré-umm I'm bisexual
Y/n-"stays quiet and hugs Tré" aww Tré why didn't you tell me
Tré-I thought you wouldn't want to have anything to do with me
Y/n-Tré I love you no matter. I don't care if your straight,bisexual,gay,homosexual, etc. you are always going to believe that. For you to think I wouldn't want to be around you hurt me.
Tré-I'm sorry but I kinda feel better now I have to tell my family and my fans. I hope they take it as well as you did
Y/n-Tré they are your family they love you with all their heart. They want what's best for you and your fans I know they will understanding they love you and some of them probably are scarred to come Tré. They look up to you and if they stop supporting you because you like guys and girls. Fuck them because you know what.
Y/n-you are slaying those bitches
Tré-"laughing and hugs you" what would do without you as my best friend
Y/n-lonely with 57 cats
Tré-so you just gonna say that really. 57 cats "laughing" you know what I hate you right now
Y/n-"laughing" I love you tho
Tré Melvin is really bisexual he came out in December 31,2013. To watch the video telling his story about coming out. It's called My New Years Resolution.

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