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Originally published in July 2015

Winifred: The Jungle Book
Forgotten Disney characters

Winifred is a female Indian Elephant. She is a member of Colonel Hathi's jungle patrol, and appears to be one of only female members, though this may be because she is married to Hathi. Unlike many mothers seen in Disney films, Winifred is snarky and sarcastic, never hesitating to remind Hathi of his faults. However, she is shown to be caring to others, caring enough for the lost Mowgli's welfare that she is willing to convince her husband to initiate a search party for the man-cub. Together, she and her husband have one son, Hathi, Jr., who comes to be friends with Mowgli.

While Winifred doesn't appear in The Jungle Book 2, fans believe that she might be among the herd when they form a line to prevent Baloo from going to the Man Village as well as when the herd stampede into a cave to avoid the humans who have entered the jungle to seach for Mowgli. Like the rest of her family, she does not appear for the rest of the film after that.

See you all on the Disney Side~rewrite

Update: 4-10-16{Not Forgotten anymore}

August-29-2020 Update: Updated and changed chapter with added information.

Forgotten DisneyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz