Devil's Trap Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Bobby, this book, I've never seen anything like it" Sam said. Bobby walks over to Sam and sits on the corner of the desk. "Key of Solomon? It's the real deal, alright" Bobby said "and these, uh, these protective circles. They really work" Sam asked? "Hell, yeah. You get a demon in, they're trapped. Powerless. It's like a Satanic roach motel" Bobby said and Sam chuckles.

Dean walks over to them "man, knows his stuff" Dean said. I look up from my book "um, by the way shouldn't we let him know, you know before he kills me" I said to Dean. Bobby looks at us confused. Dean sighs "well, maybe we should wait" Dean nods. "Tell me what" Bobby asked and Dean shakes his head "nothing" "Dean" Bobby said mad.

"It's nothing, we'll tell you later" Dean said. "I'll tell you something else, too. This is some serious crap you kids stepped in" Bobby says. "Oh, yeah, how's that" Sam asked "normal year, I hear of, say, three demonic possessions. Maybe four, tops. This year I hear of 27 so far. You get what I'm saying? More and more demons are walking among us, a lot more" Bobby said and Sam and Dean looked at me.

"Do you know why" Sam asked? "No, but I know it's something big. The storm's coming, and you kids, your Daddy, you are smack in the middle of it" Bobby said shaking his head. The dog outside starts barking "Rumsfeld" Bobby says and checks the window.

"Something's wrong" Bobby says and at that moment Meg kicks in the door and saunters in. Dean slips the holy water flask out of his pocket as I lower my book and stand up. "No more crap, okay" Meg says and Dean comes at her, unscrewing the flask, but Meg hits him and sends him flying into a stack of books. He appears to be knocked out.

Sam steps in front of Bobby, placing himself between Bobby and Meg while I stand in between both of them but to the side. "I want the Colt Sam, the real Colt, right now" Meg said mad. Sam and Bobby are slowly moving across the room and Meg follows them. "We don't have it on us. We buried it" Sam said "Didn't I say "no more crap"? I swear – after everything I heard about you Winchesters, I got to tell you, I'm a little underwhelmed. First Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun, and then he leaves the real gun with you three chuckleheads. Lackluster, men. I mean, did you really think I wouldn't find you" Meg asked?

"Actually, we were counting on it" I said and Meg turns and looks at me as Dean stands up. "You just didn't take enough steps back" I said and threw my hand foreword, making Meg stumble back. Meg seems to be trapped and looks up to see a large protective symbol etched on the ceiling. "Gotcha" Dean said and Meg looks pissed.

After we tied Meg up in the middle of the floor and Bobby finally stopped asking a hundred questions as did Sam and Dean we finally came clean and told Bobby everything. I told Dean and Sam what happened in the house and Dean looks surprised. Bobby tried to shoot me but my brothers being my brothers stepped in front of me. The bad part, Dean said if I go crazy or do anything stupid then he's aloud to shoot. Great.

"You know, if you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask" Meg said with a smile. Bobby comes in with a very large canister of salt "I salted the door and windows. If there are any demons out there, they ain't getting in and apparently I'm not getting out" I mumbled. Dean nods and stands up, moving around Bobby and Sam to stand in front of Meg as I stand next to him.

"Where's our father, Meg" Dean asked "you didn't ask very nice" Meg said "where's our father, bitch" I asked crossing my arms, not in the mood. "Jeez. You kiss your mother with that mouth? Oh wait, I forgot, you don't" Meg said with a smile. Dean lunges at her, putting his hands on the chair arms. "You think this is a frigging game? Where is he?! What did you do to him" Dean yelled.

"He died screaming. I killed him myself" Meg said and Dean just looks at her with hate, then hits her across the face. "That's kind of a turn on, you hitting a girl" Meg said "you're no girl" Dean said. "And neither is your sister, remember that" Meg said and I was about ready to slap her when Dean stopped me. "You cross that and your stuck in there too".

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