chapter 17 - game time

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Spencers pov

I don't remember what just happened but right now I'm all alone a weird room and I'm connected to these wire things and see pictures of Hanna, Aria, and Emily next to buzzers

"Here's your game, choose one of them to get shocked or all of them do, you have 5 seconds" the voice says

"NO!!!!" I scream crying

"5...4...choose one or they all get it...3...2.." it says

Then I close my eyes and press a random buzzer and hear Aria's scream

"ARIA NO!!!!!!" I yell

"Try again...5...4...3..." it says

No not again, they can't make my do this. I close my eyes and press a lot her random one then hear Emily scream

"NOOOO!!!!!" I scream

"Choose one to get food, or they all starve" they voice says

I close my eyes and pick another random one. I hope everyone gets food, this is torture. I can't make these decisions


I wake up in my "room" again. I hope we get out soon. This is starting to creep me out. I have a closet filled with my old wardrobe and I'm living in my old bedroom.

"Please follow the flashing lights to the art room, it's time for arts and crafts" the voice says and the door opens

"I wonder what kinda of creepy things A is gonna make us do in "arts and crafts"" Aria says

We walk into the room and see Mona.

"Mona what are you doing here!?!?" Hanna asks

"Guys it's me, Alison. Don't call be my that loser's name" She says

"What? Mona how long have you been here?" Emily asks

"Stop calling me Mona!" She says

"Ok then" Emily says

"Stop with the chit chat now, it's time for arts and crafts" She says

In "arts and crafts" we're making birthday cards and wrapping presents to "Charles". Charles must be A. But who is Charles?

"Hey Ali, do you know who Charles is?" I ask

"No need to know, get back to writing and wrapping" She says

Then we hear a bell ding

"Please go back to your bed rooms" the voice says

"No" Hanna says

"Please go back to your bed rooms" the voice says again

"I dont want to" Hanna says

"Please go back to your bed rooms" the voice says

"Im not finished with my card for you yet" Hanna says

Then a loud siren goes off

"Hanna what did you do!" I say

"I don't know! How do you make it stop?" Hanna asks

"We have to go back in our bedrooms or else it won't stop" Mona says and we all rush to our bedrooms then the door slams behind me and locks when i get in my room

A.N. - ya i know that's not how it happened in the show, but deal with it, it's MY story

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