So Close Yet So Far

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Gomez didn't care about anything at all while his wife laid in his arms. He ran into the hospital with her and straight to the emergency room. They went pushing past what it seemed millions of people.
In the Emergency Room Mortica was tested and given lots of stitches and pain medication. They would have done a few more tests but when Gomez asked for some of the medication they had basically closed shop and sent the duo to a hospital room where Mortica was given tubes and more tests! Oh tests! Gomez was going to blow if he heard the word test again!
Still no words came from his Cardamia since their last conversation in the basement. And a delightful one it was, but Gomez now more then ever yearned for his wife's beautiful almost deathly voice to reappear to him.
     Still nothing though and as the family sat together an hour later, they were beginning to fear for Mortica's life. "Well!" Gomez said saddened "Mama do you and Fester want to take the children down stairs for a bite to eat?"
     "Yes..." Mama responded. "I found a perfectly good caldron downstairs! They were so fancy! They even had yellow already mixed in." Gomez nodded,
     "And Lurch will you go grab something descent for Mrs. Addams? The jello here is horrible compared to eye of newt pudding!" Lurch nodded and left after the others. This left Gomez and sleeping Mortica alone.
Oh Mortica!" He cried "That woman was right! My only torture was seeing you hurt." No response... Gomez took his wife's hand and kissed it gently.
"Tish please respond! Please!" He pleaded tears going down his face. From the continuous silence Gomez finally had given up and decided he was going to leave his wife alone.
     Now closing the door slowly thoughts went running through Gomez's head like a lighting bolt and he flashed back in swinging the door open. This romantic action must have triggered something in Mortica's heart for all of the sudden her machines went crazy. Gomez rushed over quickly and Mortica started to move and finally she spoke one frightened out of breath word.
    "Gomez!" She said quick and weak. Then Gomez started to see the heart meter was going as fast as Lurch when the holidays came. He decided the entrance excited Mortica so much that the sick woman could not stop her clock from going round 6 times a minute.
     Gomez lightly pushed his wife back to her laying position as doctors flooded into the room hearing the noise. Gomez's eyes were spinning at all the commotion.
     "Where am I ?" His wife sickly question with afraid beating eyes. This made her husbands heart shatter once more.
    "Oh Tish!" He started but then was quickly interrupted.
     "I'm sorry sir, with the condition of your wife we are going to have to ask you to leave the room" said a doctor apologetically like he knew what Gomez felt.
     Gomez was ready for that and he planned a swift comeback in his
Mind too but the doctor pushed him out. The last thing his love struck ears heard before the room was swept from him were cries to him from his wife.
     Now in the soundless hall the rest of his family came back to sit with him and wait. "She spoke to me!" Was the only thing he could say to them.
     "What are they doing to mother in their?" Was the first question brought by Pugsley.
     "She spoke to me!" Was the answer he got. And the questions and answer went on for about 2 hours until finally the doctors came out of the room.
      "She can speak now.." One doctor started expecting cheers.
"I told you" was Gomez's answer instead.
     The doctor looked puzzled but continued.
     "For now it's a lot quieter than usual though, she's also been eating and as she does more her voice will return."
     Gomez nodded, " That's all great and fine doctor!" He started "But can we go in now!" 
     The doctor then gave a small smirk in response. "Originally we weren't going to let you but the whole 2 hours she called for someone named Gomez. And we figured that's one of you people so yes you can go in."
    But the doctor now finished realizing the family had already gone the minute after Gomez asked. He sighed and walked to the next room he was needed. "Addams!"
     Meanwhile the family sat by Mortica's side in utter bliss as Gomez asked Mortica about the pain she was in. And for the next hour they laughed and cried while Gomez's Palm stayed right in wife's. Until the door swung open just like Gomez had done before but this time it was someone else.
     "Hello Addams! I'm here for my prisoner! And if you don't hand her over you all die!" Gomez smiled at the thought of another adventure let the gloom begin!

Okay so I am officially done with this book. But be excited people!! Book 2 is on its way!!!!

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