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NOT my idea! All credit goes to Hazzasmagicalstories



~Idea #4~

Riley Benson was what you could call a wild card. Invited to the craziest parties and never passing up an offer. Living along the lines of "YOLO" was great well so she thought. When Riley is faded out of her mind her questionable actions take a turn for the worse and she ends up in prison. Now we all know prison can change a person, but for Riley it was a change for the better. After three very tough years in a cell she decides it's time to change. Riley quit alcohol and drugs and started helping everyone. She turned her thoughts from herself to others. After meeting a boy and falling in love will he run after learning what happened or will he stick with her and show her his love for her is real.


Lovin the idea Hazzasmagicalstories! <3

Comment thoughts! :D


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