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The first day of school is always the hardest. I walk down the hall in my sleeveless button up and my cut up jeans. I adjust my shoulder bag and walk to the office hearing my cowgirl boots hit the hard floor. I sit and wait for the principal to come and show me to my first class. I comb my fingers through my curly hair, when the principal walks out of his office with a boy. He has ocean blue eyes and sleeves cut off of his shirt. He runs a hand through his brown hair and looks straight at me.
"Miss. Daniels, let me get your schedule. And Dixon, I'm not through with you." The principal says as he walks away.
The boy walks over and sits next to me. "What did you do?" I ask after a few minutes.
He chuckles. "Wha didn' I do?"
I smile. "I know the feeling. I just need to know so I know what you've already done." I can't help, but laugh.
"We get a new trouble maker or am I stuck by myself again?" He looks at me.
"You might be in luck. Got kicked out of my other school for punching a teacher."
"Really? Wha did she do to ya?" He quirks an eyebrow.
"He decided that I have a nice ass and grabbed it. So I kicked the shit out of him. He told a bullshit story, I get in trouble. But with my reputation who can blame them."
"Wha an ass." He looks away and crosses his arms.
"I've met worse." I scoff. "Look at my dad." The principal comes back out with a piece of paper. I stand up and hold my hand out. "Nice talking to you."
He grabs my hand. "Daryl." I smile and walk away.


I walk out of the back door of the school to get away for lunch. I didn't expect to see Daryl sitting there smoking a cigarette. "Wonder what would of happened if I was a teacher." He jumps a little and stands up. "Didn't expect to see you out here." I walk out of the doorway.
"Ya well I can say the same."
"Skipping lunch. Don't feel like sitting at a table with a bunch of slutty girls who just talk shit about me."
He laughs and stomps on his cigarette. "Couldn't be more true."
We laugh for a little bit, till my phone goes off. I look at the caller ID. "Shit." I answer it. "Michael?"
"Izzy, your ok." He says out of breathe.
I look at Daryl and he has a confused look on his face. "What happened?" I walk pass him and run my hand through my hair and keep it on top of my head.
"He found us."
I freeze and my breathing picks up. "How? We were carefull. Where are you?"
"Izzy, listen."
"No, he is not doing this again!" A hand lands on my shoulder and I jump.
"Wha happen?" Daryl asks with a serious expression on his face.
"Michael where are you?" He doesn't say anything. "I may be your little sister, but I can help you. Now tell me." Daryl is staring at me.
"The park." He hangs up.
"Shit." I shove my phone in my pocket and start running to the front of the school. Someone grabs my arm.
"Wha's goin on?" He spins me around.
"My dad he found us and if I don't do something he will kill my brother. I can't lose him he's the only thing I have left." I start to walk away.
"I'll help ya."
"No." I pull my keys out of my pocket.
"I wasn' askin."


After that day, Daryl and I spend more time together than with anyone else. We were best friends and we didn't give a rat's ass wether anyone talked about us. Right now we were in line to see a new horror movie. Dawn of the dead.
"So what do you want to do afterwards?" I ask.
"I don't know. This was your idea remember?" He crosses his arms. He's wearing his same old sleeveless shirt.
"Yeah I remember." I pause and think for a minute. "You know something, we could egg my neighbor's sports car."
He laughs. "Tha is very temptin. Wha kind of car?"
"White 2011 Mustang. 110 horse power and extreme acceleration." His eyes widen. "Ok so maybe I snuck it on a lap or two around the street."
He chuckles. "Ya like yer cars."
"Yes I do. So how about it?"
"Why not? Sure." He chuckles again.
"Yes." I start to do my victory dance. I always do my dance when I talk Daryl into doing something.
"Stop embarrassin me woman." He laughs.
I stop and continue to laugh. "You knew it was coming."
He puts up his hands in surrender. "Fair 'nough."
We enter the movie room and sit in the back. Then the movie starts. We eat our popcorn and my phone starts to ring. "Shit, it's Michael." I answer it. "Sup." I put my feet up on the seat in front of me.
"Where are you?" He asks calmly.
"Movies with Daryl. Why?" A man in front of us yells at me to shut up.
"Why don' ya shut it." Daryl yells back.
"No reason, you weren't home and I didn't know." Michael says.
"Sorry should have told you." I feel guilty.
"No have fun, be a kid. Tell Daryl I said hey."
"Will do. Bye love you." He says it back and I hang up. Daryl gives me a concerned look. " He didn't know where I was, got worried. He says hey." He smiles and we go back to watching the movie.
"So, he doin ok?" Daryl asks looking at me.
"Yeah he's doing better, me not so much. He's only getting better because he thinks I'm strong and he has to be too." I look at my lap and twirl the many bracelets I have on my wrists.
"Yer strong and he knows tha."
I scoff. "I'm good at pretending to be strong."
He lifts my chin up so that I'm looking at him dead in the eyes. "Yer strong." He looks me in the eyes and he seems to be holding back on something. I see him look at my mouth and I smile. I place my hand on his neck and move closer, but he can't seem to wait because he crashes his lips to mine. A tingling feeling goes through my whole body and I wrap my hand in his hair. He pushes his tongue on my bottom lip and I let him in. His tongue and mine fight for dominance, but I give up. We kiss till I pull on his hair and he moans a little. I let him go and we stare at each other for awhile. People scream from the movie, but we only focus on one another. "Wonna get out of 'ere?" He breathes.
I don't even hesitate. "Hell yeah." I grab his hand and pull him up. He drags me out of the room and out of the movie theater. We get to his truck and before he opens the door he pushes me into the side and slams me with a kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his hands in my back pockets. I pull his hair again and he moans. I smile against his lips and pull him closer. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. We pull back and he still has his hands in my pockets. "Daryl, lets go." He gives me a confused look. The same look he gave me the first time we met four years ago. I lean closer to his ear. "Trucks more comfortable." I kiss his neck and his grip tightens on me. He removes one of his hands and opens the door. We let go and I climb in and he follows, shutting the door behind him. When the door shuts we latch onto each other again. He lays on top of me and I tug on his shirt trying to get him to take it off. He quickly throws it on the floor of the truck along with my skin tight T-shirt. He looks at my chest for a minute and back at me. I blush and he smiles from ear to ear. He leans down and starts to kiss my chest while trying to undo my bra. He does, throwing it on the floor and starts to suck on my breast. I bite my lip and tighten my knees on his sides. He runs his hand down my side and stops at the button on my jeans. He nibbles on my nipple and I can't hold back the moan. He bites a little harder and my moan gets louder. I grab his hair and tighten my grip. He growls pushes himself up and his eyes trail down my body. He unbuttons my jeans and slides them off me. I let out a shaky breath and I can't wait. I need him, I need Daryl Dixon. Then my phone starts to ring.

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