Chapter 2

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(Warrior on top)
I forgot to mention this in the first chapter but this book is based around the second book Chasing Blue.
My black riding boots crunched against the gravel of my riding, well ex riding, school Oakwood Riding Academy. My mom and dad had our black Ram pickup truck and our horse trailer in the parking lot waiting for me. "Warrior!" I called to my horse. He nickered back at me from his stall at the end of the aisle. "Hey how's my pretty boy" I cooed to him while giving him a carrot. He greedily ate it up and nudged my hand for more. "Sorry boy that's it for now." Walking to the tack room I started wondering will people like me.......what if I don't make friends.........what if I mess up in front of everyone at the riding academy. I shook my head getting rid of the horrible thoughts I was thinking. STOP IT I will be fine. Grabbing Warrior's tack and brushes along with his polo wraps and other necessities, I brought them out to my mom and dad putting them in the little compartment in the front of the trailer. "I'm going to get Warrior" I yelled to my mom over my shoulder as I walked back to his stall. "Ok" she yelled back at me. I got his turquoise halter from the hook outside of his stall, and slipped it on his head. Warrior is a beautiful all black Arabian gelding that is 15.1 hands at the withers. It was hard to find him because there are rarely any all black Arabians in the world. Most are chestnut, grey,bay , and there are even some palominos. But I got lucky. Clipping on his matching lead rope, I lead him out of his old stall and brought him to our two horse trailer. I put his turquoise blanket and traveling boots on him ( don't blame me I love the color turquoise). "Easy boy" I soothingly say to him. He always was a little skittish going into trailers. He hesitantly puts one hoof in front of the other. Finally he is all the way in the trailer and I tie his lead rope to the ring on the wall. "Good boy high five, or high hoof. ( I know it's cheesy and a stupid joke but bare with me). My dad closes the ramp and I hop into the back of our black ram pickup truck. " let's go!" I say excitedly dancing in my seat. "Ok ok we're going" my mom tells me as our truck moves forward. We were on our way to my new life at Canterwood Crest Academy.
How was this chapter? Was it better? Let me know if the chapters are too short and if you guys want different point of views or not. Also if u guys want me to add in one of your made up characters as Scarlett's friend comment and tell me what they look like, if they ride or not, and their personality. If they do ride tell me what their horse looks like or if they ride a school horse. I will try to update this week or weekend my friend @Meg_rocks_ is going to help me with this story and I'm going to help her with her story. Go check it out its called The Hidden One and she also has a book called Rants and The Mute Girl go check them out and have a fantastic day:)

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