Chapter 6

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Step 1:

"Ugh... Fucking..." I couldn't get my door open. I pulled my key out and studied it. I was trying to open my door with the pool key. I grabbed the right key and jammed it into the lock with anger. Mumbling curse words under my breath as I sat down my purse and my keys, still holding a Target bag in my hand. I closed and locked my door and brought me and the bag to the table and sat down. I pulled supplies out of the bag. I first pulled out a package of solid color envelopes. I set them to the left of me and grabbed the second thing in the bag, nicely decorated sheets of paper that would go into the envelopes. Then, I pulled out a pen that people would use to write calligraphy with. I hate writing in calligraphy and Caleb knows that, so it'll make him suspect me the least. What Caleb doesn't remember is that he gave me a spare key to his house. So I will break into his house everyday after I give him a note, steal it back, and shred it. It's not hard. I've done it tons of times before for money and weed. I knew exactly what the note was going to say. This is almost too easy.

I walked up to Caleb's door watching him walk down the rest of the hallway leaving to go do something. Probably beat up another one of his girlfriends. Bitch. Don't worry, he's going to regret it. I reminded myself. Then, finally, I watched him climb down the steps and go down to the lobby. I pulled out my keys, making sure I wouldn't try to open the door with the pool key again, I carefully picked his key up and slid it into the lock, until it couldn't go any further and twisted it, slowly, to the left trying to be quiet. Click. I pulled my key out and twisted the know and pushed open the door. His apartment was so clean and tidy. Everything perfectly organized; magazines next to the newspaper with his coffee next to it. Everything in its place. Which means he is bound to find a bright blue letter on top of his coffee.

I decided that I was going to keep track of how many notes I sent Caleb, when, and what I said.
Entry #1:
One day, you'll thank me for this. You deserve to be in prison.
    ~ An Admirer
Sent On: August 17

After all he's done to me. I want him to feel the same pain that I felt. I want him to feel hurt. I want him to need someone. I want him to feel the need to let someone know about what's happening, but can't because I won't let him. I want to kill him. Badly.

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