Chapter 4

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I woke up groggy, and unaware. Unaware of what had happened before I passed out. I opened my eyes, startled to find blood dripping from my shirt. Startled to find blood smeared on my hands. Startled to find -Caleb signed on the wall.

I screamed backing up to the wall. How could he- why would he...? I didn't care. I was going to call the cops. I hope they can understand me while I'm crying and bawling my eyes out. I ran upstairs stumbling, scared that Caleb might still be here... Waiting... Waiting for me.

"911, what's your emergency?"
"Someone, som- so- someone-" I couldn't finish the sentence. I couldn't admit it to myself, that Trevor was dead.
"Ma'am- Ma'am!" She started "Calm down, tell me what happened."
"Someone killed my boyfriend."
"What's your address?"
"123 Mockingbird Lane"
"We are on our way, please calm down and listen to our instructions. I need you to stay on the phone with me until the police and ambulance arrive.
"Uh, uh- okay..." I said as I wiped the tears from under my eyes. "What do I do?" I said sniffling. "Okay we need you to go into a closet. If you have one in your basement that would be the best option. We need you to go hide in it maybe behind a big coat or something."
"Okay." I went downstairs and hid in a closet, scared to death. "Okay, now what?" I asked in a whisper still crying.
"Now I need you to tell me if you hear or see anything. Speak as quietly as you can. When the police and ambulance arrive you will need to get up quietly and answer the door. You will need to stay on the line with me. If for some reason we get disconnected, run to the door and answer it as quickly as you can. Got it?"
"Um, yea-"
Knock, knock, knock.
"It's the police, open up!" I ran upstairs as quickly as I could. I opened the door and needed comfort so bad. I brought he cop into my arms and cried and fell to my knees. "Ma'am? Ma'am!" I looked up to him. "You're safe now. I promise."

"We're going to need to search your house to find evidence or to find clues as to what had happened." I was sitting in the precinct answering questions and talking to the cops. "First, we need you to tell us what happened." I just realized I was going to get busted for smoking pot. But that doesn't really matter right now. I wiped the tears from under my eyes, turning away, not able to look them in the eyes. It was too hard to. I told them everything. I toke them how I was cheating on Caleb with Trevor. I told him how I had dumped him the night before-- Trevor. And... How we got high. Oops. And so on. "So you two were smoking weed in a state that prohibits marijuana?" The cop asked me. "Um... Yeah. I guess so." I said a little embarrassed. "This is Chicago not fucking Colorado." The only state marijuana is legal-- Colorado. "Okay, we are going to go fill out some paperwork. We'll be right back." I nodded my head. As soon as I left the room, I pulled out my phone. A burner phone. I dialed Caleb's number. My number isn't traceable and my number would show up as blocked. I texted him instead of calling him so that he didn't recognize my voice. And unlimited calling was $10 extra. "Just in case you didn't know, Trevor is dead. And I'm framing you. Your next.

They had fallen in love with a Serial Killer.

I Fell In Love With a Serial KillerWhere stories live. Discover now