Chapter 1

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I hate crying in front of Dr. Quinn, he always looks so pained when I cry. Sometimes, he literally stops himself from getting up and hugging all the pain away. "They get so much worse, Doc. I would wake up either crying, or screaming, or both!" I sobbed. My dreams, or nightmares, have been getting a lot worse recently, but they all started when I was ten, with a woman's face filled with beauty that still haunts me.

"It's okay Lola, we'll figure it out," he reassured me while patting my hand. "I really do hope so. I can't thank you enough for dealing with me for all these years." "It's no problem, really! Here's a new prescription, and we'll see if this one works, okay?" I hesitated for a moment. All of the other ones he has given me didn't work whatsoever, but I could not reject it. I took it from him and gave him a smile, wiping all the tears away and calming myself. "Thank you again."

During the day I'm perfectly fine, really. I'm full of smiles, I talk way too much, but of positive things. Optimism was my lifestyle, it's just at night everything takes a turn. I'm about to enter my senior year of high school and I still can't believe that I've gotten this far. I recollect all of my experiences from all my school years, and can't help but laugh out loud as I walk down to my car, ready to take a wonderful shower when I get home.

The day is beautiful. The baby blue sky has signs of clouds, while the sun beams filter through them. The flowers around, of many different colors, are standing with pride as many bright souls pass them by. But of course, the heat was ridiculous. Summers in Texas are something else, let me tell you! I nearly rushed to my car when I saw it so I can air out all the heat and be on my way. I know what you're thinking, how did her mood change from down in the dumps to cartwheels and daisies? I'm just like that. I'm a very happy person who can't help it honestly! But just because someone is always smiling, doesn't mean that they aren't having their own battles. I was too deep in thought to notice the person in front of me before I crashed into them.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I'm such a mess right now, are you okay?" I asked, trying to help the individual up. "Do not use His name in vein, child," the man replied, slapping my hand away. At that moment, everything stopped, and I couldn't breathe. He was the most attractive person I have seen, and yet he seemed so familiar.

"Now listen to me, things will start happening to you, things that you THINK aren't normal. Thing's that most people walking upon this earth will cower from. Do not fear them, for you are of higher power than those beings. Your dreams are not dreams, but visions of your past life, you understand? Be diligent of all your surroundings, for they might be false. Dark forces are making their way towards His most precious of jewels, whether condemned or not. Forget not of what I am telling you."

With each word that was being spilled out of his plump lips, my body began to vibrate and start warming up in a way that I have felt when I was a little kid. He was speaking in a foreign tongue, but I understood everything he was saying. Questions upon questions piled up as the grasp he had on my shoulder began to become loose. When did he even put his hands on me? The only concern I could actually process was, "what is your name?" His amber eyes bore into my own, and he finally dropped his arms to his side. He took one step forward before he towered over me.

"My name, you ask? You don't remember, do you?" For a split second, he looked hurt. He slowly started walking around me, inspecting me like his statements from before was just a distraction. He stopped in front of me again, lifting up my chin with his index finger until we were nose to nose.

"Jeremiah. My name is Jeremiah," he finally muttered. His head tilted like a puppy while he placed his hand on my cheek, caressing it with his thumb. "You will be seeing me more often, I promise." And with that, he took his leave, and ditching me with more questions and mixed emotions.


"And then he said that I'll be seeing him more! Like YES lawd, I thank you for sending your angel down to me! He could have swept me off my feet also, it would have been magical and I would shed real tears." I exclaimed. The whole car ride back home I was replaying what happened in my head, smiling like a idiot, and mentally giving myself a high five.

"Sorry to burst your bubble babe, but I think you're doing something he told you NOT to do, which is NOT forget. You know, the whole dark forces thing? And to be smart??" My best friend Kim reminded me. "How could I forget? It creeped me out! But I just wanted to explain how heavenly he is, like he's a god." I cooed. I couldn't help it, he was way too good looking for his own good. "Go to bed! You need it after your long ass day. I'll text ya on the morning!" We completed our goodbyes and hung up. I still had some summer assignments to finish up, so I stayed up a little longer before I stopped working and got ready for bed.

A smile was on my face as I closed my eyes, and for once, I wasn't anxious about going to sleep. When my dream began this time, it wasn't of the beautiful woman who greets me, but it was Jeremiah, with the goofiest grin on his face.
"Why hello again Lola."

Yesssssss, first chapter is complete!!! I'll be updating every Wednesday, sometimes I might even update a little more earlier ;) I'll also be putting songs I like to groove to, and some that'll be with the moods of the chapters to come, and yeah! You should take a listen because my choice in music is great!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter you guys!!

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